If you click on See Demos after starting ToonTalk you will see a selection
of eight demos.
Introductory Tour (less than 15 minutes). This is a broad introduction
to ToonTalk, its objects and tools, and simple programming examples.
Exploding Houses
(less than 5 minutes). This is the silliest of the demos and is
probably the most popular.
Swap if Bigger
(less than 3 minutes). This demo illustrates two very basic
programming techniques: comparison conditionals and exchanging the values in two
Build Ping Pong
(each part is less than 20 minutes). This demo shows two kids trying
to build a Ping Pong game. They dont know what they are doing and the demo shows the
process of exploring, trying things, finding bugs, fixing bugs, getting help, and
the like.
Fibonacci Numbers
(less than 4 minutes). This demo illustrates the kind of
mathematical exploration that is possible within ToonTalk.
(less than 6 minutes). This demo shows a programming technique that is
critical for building large programs in ToonTalk out of pieces that work together. The
technique is a generalization of defining and calling procedures.
Bank Account
(less than 15 minutes). This demo shows how advanced computer
programming and computer science concepts can be made accessible within ToonTalk. It also
illustrates another important programming technique needed for large-scale programming
concurrent objects with state.
Append Lists
(less than 8 minutes). This demo illustrates another advanced
programming technique (list manipulation) and illustrates a connection between ToonTalk
and logic programming.