How to Install ToonTalk Extensions
For advanced users only:
ToonTalk extensions are not installed by default. One reason for this is that they enable robots to change things outside of ToonTalk's safe world. The file extension, for example, enables ToonTalk robots to read and change (or destroy) any file on your computer. This power can be used for good or mischief. If you install this extension, then be sure you trust the people who give you ToonTalk programs to run.
Even if the DLL file is available it is loaded automatically only if AskBeforeForeignBirdsLoadDLL is set to 0.
An extension is installed if the DLL file starting with "TT" followed by the extension name is in your ToonTalk directory. For example, the file extension file is "TTFile.dll". To install the file extension simply copy TTFile.dll from ToonTalk\Extend to ToonTalk.
If you are installing over the Internet then download and copy TTFile.dll to your ToonTalk directory to install the file extension.
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