ToonTalk Installation Customizations
Beginning with the ToonTalk 3.62 installer it is possible to generate a custom installer. This customized installer can, for example, be copied to a CD-ROM to install in a school or museum with settings that differ from the ToonTalk defaults. The CD-ROM (or equivalent installation media) should contain at least two folders:
ToonTalk -- These are the files that are copied to the ToonTalk installation folder. Or if MinimalInstall is enabled these are read from the CD-ROM when ToonTalk is launched. Beginning with version 3.68 this directory can be zipped. To do so place ToonTalk .zip at the top level of the CD-ROM. Note that you can have both a directory and a zipped directory. In case of conflicts, files with the later creation date will be installed.
MyDocsTT -- These are files that are copied to the ToonTalk users folder (typically the ToonTalk folder in My Documents). Beginning with version 3.68 this directory can be zipped. To do so place MyDocsTT .zip at the top level of the CD-ROM.
AllInstl.ini -- This file contains ini file options that all installations should have. Note that this will change settings of existing installations when installed. This file is at the top-level of the CD-ROM.
NewInstl.ini -- This file also contains ini file options but they only apply to subsequent installations. These settings do not override any options set in an earlier installation. This file is at the top-level of the CD-ROM.
The AllInstl.ini file also contains a new "Install" section that supports the following new options that apply at installation time:
MinimalInstall. ToonTalk can be installed completely to the hard drive so the CD-ROM is only needed during installation (a setting of 0). Or nearly all the needed files can be left on the CD-ROM (a setting of 1). A setting of 2 asks during installation which option is preferred. 0 is the default. (Note in 3.62 this is not fully debugged.)
AskFullInstall. This text is displayed in a dialog box if MinimalInstall is set to 2. A typical setting is "Do you want me to put all the ToonTalk files on your hard disk? If you answer no, then ToonTalk will be slower at first and require the CD-ROM to run but very little disk space will be used. If you choose to leave files on the CD-ROM you can run this installer again to change your decision.".
AddShortcutOnDesktop. If this is set to 1 the installer creates a shortcut on the Desktop to launch ToonTalk. If set to 0 then no shortcut is created and the Start Menu must be used. A setting of 2 asks during installation which option is preferred. 1 is the default.
AskAddShortcutOnDesktop. This text is displayed in a dialog box if AddShortcutOnDesktopis set to 2. A typical setting is "Do you want me to add a ToonTalk icon to your desktop?".
ToonTalk32. This option sets the default ToonTalk executable. A typical setting is TT361. Note that this also sets the corresponding option in the Executables section of toontalk.ini.
DemoToonTalk32. This option sets the default ToonTalk executable when running a demo. If this is not set then the value of ToonTalk32 is used. Note that this also sets the corresponding option in the Executables section of toontalk.ini.
CommandLine. If set this command line will be interpreted when the installer finishes. The WebLabs Project, for example, sets this option to "-next_dialog wlab_ini.htm" in order to ask the installer about new options defined by the HTML dialog file named wlab_ini.htm. This file is found in the language specific sub folder of the ToonTalk\Doc folder.
Launch1. If set this should specify an executable to launch from the CD-ROM. The file name should not include the device name since that depends upon the target computer. E.g. Launch1=\install\voices\samvoice.exe launches an EXE that installs a voice.
Launch1CommandLine. If set this text is passed as a command line to the EXE specified by Launch1.
Launch1Message. If set this text is displayed in a dialog box before running the EXE specified by Launch1.
Launch2. There can be any number of EXEs to launch. Each must be specified as 1 more than the previous launch.
UninstallTitle. This text is displayed on the Start Menu item for uninstalling ToonTalk. A typical setting is "Remove ToonTalk 3.61 from My Computer".
InstallTTFilesText. This text is displayed while the installer is copying ToonTalk files. A typical setting is "Copying ToonTalk files".
InstallUserFilesText. This text is displayed while the installer is copying ToonTalk user files (e.g. those of the default user). A typical setting is "Copying ToonTalk user files".
ProductVersion. A typical setting is 42.361.003 which means that it is version 3.61 (or beta 42) and the third version.
MainTitle. Displayed when installing. A typical setting is "Installing WebLabs ToonTalk Version 3.61 ... ".
TitleCaptionBar. Displayed on the title bar of the installer window. A typical setting is "WebLabs ToonTalk Version 3.61 Setup".
UninstallKey. Displayed by the uninstaller. A typical setting is "WebLabs ToonTalk Version 3.61".
UninstallLogFileName. The file name in the ToonTalk installation folder where uninstall information is kept. This value should be different for every installation version. A typical setting is "unins361.isu".
DisplayLicense. If set to 0 then the installer doesn't bother with the licensing screens.
UnZipMessage. Displayed if the ToonTalk folder or MyDocsTT folder are replaced with a Zip file. A typical value is "Please wait while files are being extracted...".
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