Joystick Sensors in ToonTalk
If you have a joystick connected to your computer, then you should find a notebook of sensors for each joystick you have connected. Here's what the sensors are:
Page 2. Joystick X Speed. This sensor shows how far to the left or right the joystick has been moved. Ranges from -1,000 to 1,000.
Page 4. Joystick Y Speed. This sensor shows how far forward or backward the joystick has been moved. Ranges from -1,000 to 1,000.
Page 6. Joystick Z Speed. This sensor shows how far up or down the joystick has been moved. It is often the throttle control. If the joystick does not have this, the value is zero. Ranges from -1,000 to 1,000.
Page 8. Joystick X Axis. This sensor shows how much the joystick has been rotated left or right. . If the joystick does not have this, the value is zero. Ranges from -1,000 to 1,000.
Page 10. Joystick Y Axis. This sensor shows how much the joystick has been rotated forward or back. If the joystick does not have this, the value is zero. Ranges from -1,000 to 1,000.
Page 12. Joystick Z Axis. This sensor shows how much the joystick has been rotated up or down. It is often called the rudder. If the joystick does not have this, the value is zero. Ranges from -1,000 to 1,000.
Page 14. Joystick Buttons Clicked. ToonTalk can sense up to 32 joystick buttons. When a button is clicked the value becomes "yes" briefly. Otherwise it is "no".
Page 16. Joystick Buttons Down. This shows "yes" if the corresponding joystick button is down, otherwise it shows "no".
If you have a force feedback joystick, then there will also be a special notebook for making and controlling force effects.
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