Free ToonTalk Programs for Downloading

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Here is where you can find programs that others have constructed in ToonTalk. These programs are free and can be freely distributed but you can't sell them for profit.

If you build something nice in ToonTalk, please contribute it to the world by following these instructions.

There are plenty of ToonTalk games you can run in ToonTalk version 2.35 or Beta 27 or later here.

Here are some more programs.

Generates prime numbers.
This is a notebook of robots that implement the Sieve of Erathosthenes. The best way to watch it to give the robot on page 2 a box with a bird in it and press F8 to stop all robots. Then get in the helicopter, press F8 to start them up again, and watch as first a house is built with a robot inside that gives a bird a 2, then 3, 4, 5 and so on. The bird takes it to her nest in a new house that has robots in it that passes along only numbers divisible by 2. When a number passes through all the existing houses then it is a prime and a new house is built filtering out numbers divisible by it.
Recursive factorial.
This is a notebook of robots that compute the product of numbers from 1 to n in a recursive fashion. One of the built-in demos of ToonTalk shows how to build an iterative factorial program. Those robots can be found in the Examples notebook on page 6 of your main notebook. This one is fun to watch from the outside. (Computer scientists should be able to recognize the stack from the helicopter.)
Doubly recursive factorial.
This computes the same values as the singly recursive version above, but if you watch from the outside you'll see a tree of houses grow and shrink. To see the pattern well, the size of the city should be at least twice the factorial being computed. So the city should be 20 by 20 for the best viewing of the factorial of 10 being computed.
A spinning person.
This one a just a picture of a person spinning around. On the back is a robot that just repeatedly adds one to a parameter that controls which way she is facing.
Chase movies.
This uses the behavior notebook below to make 4 movies. The first one just has 2 characters bouncing off the edges. The second adds reversing on collision to the oval. The third one gives the oval the goal of moving to the center and also imposes a speed limit on it. The fourth gives the square the behavior of chasing the oval. It also gets a speed limit.
Neat behaviors.
The chase movies were made by placing different behaviors on the back of geometric shapes. These behaviors were built in ToonTalk. They include drift towards a goal, bounce off edges, obey speed limit, chase another, and more and can be found in this notebook. There are plenty more behaviors here where they are called "anima-gadgets".
Logic gates.
This was posted by Tyler Breisacher (age 11) who wrote the following. Recently I've been getting interested in Digital Electronics. I decided to see if I could train robots to act like a logic gate. You'll notice the robots get input from nests give output to birds. This is so that robots can deliver data to other robots which is critical in making a logical circuit. As I make circuits from these gates I will post some. I also need to make 3 and 4 input And/Or/Ex-Or gates. I think this is a good use for birds/nests and for the discussion group. Feel free to make logic circuits with these.
Plays music.
ToonTalk can send messages to Microsoft Window's Media Control Interface (MCI). A cute example is Play Canyon that has a picture of a switch. On the back is a robot who will play the file "canyon.mid" from the Windows directory when the switch is on and it is on the floor. (Note this example expects to find the file c:/windows/media/town.mid and will fail on Windows 2000 or NT 4, but it is not hard to edit to work.)
This lets 2 players play TicTacToe. You need to hide your hand (using F9) for the game to work. 'e' will erase the game to start again. It was contributed by Pierre-André Dreyfuss.
Arithmetic expression evaluator.
This was contributed by Pierre-André Dreyfuss who wrote the following. The team wants a box with two holes. An expression in the left one and a bird for the answer in the right one. An operation is a box with three holes. In the middle one of the operators + - x / on a word pad. Left and right : a number. An expression is a three holes box, with an operator in the middle and both sides either a number, or an operation, or an expression. The four first robots are computing operation. The last three are dealing with expressions, in the  left hole, in the right hole and both sides, calling themselves recursively using the main book and
the 'oper' label for search.
This program is recursive. Note that starting with Beta 23 or Release 2.10, there is an easier way to express recursion. A robot can now use the magic wand to create a copy of himself and his teammates.

There are plenty more examples including lots of games to be found at the Playground Project Game Place.

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