History of ToonTalk Enhancements and Bug Fixes - 2004

Here is the list of bugs and enhancements in 2004. Similar lists for 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, and 2006 are available as well.


  1. If a nest is put on the clipboard without its bird, then when loaded into a ToonTalk with its bird the connection between them is re-established and the bird will find the nest.
  2. Fixed memory leaks that occurred when nests were copied.
  3. Fixed a bug that occurred when saving a nest that had been copied and saved without its bird.


  1. Fixed another memory leak when nests are destroyed.
  2. Fixed a bug introduced on 11/12 that caused robots to find the wrong page of a user notebook (i.e. didn't apply to the built-in notebooks). This broke the portal mechanism in the Playground Adventure Game.
  3. Released 3.39XX (very experimental).


  1. Currently if you try to compute the log of a number greater what will fit in a 64-bit floating point number (about 300 digits) you get an error message saying the operation failed. The message incorrectly referred to another operation.


  1. Fixed a recently introduced problem replaying demos (DMO files) that start with the user notebook that has been changed from the initial default.


  1. Fixed some other recently introduced bugs in replaying non-time-travel demos.
  2. The new arrangement for non-time-travel demo files is that they are zipped, named demoXXX.dmo and contain a logXXXXXX.dmo file. The replay_logs.zip file is no longer created.


  1. If you dropped a nest on a notebook and left the page open, then birds would try to deliver things to the nest despite the fact it was in the notebook.
  2. Fixed a bug that could lead to an infinite recursion and use up available memory when saving an object containing a nest without its bird.
  3. If you drop a box next to a box and before Bammer comes drop something into the hole of the box underneath then Marty appeared and said confusing things.
  4. If a box is given to a robot that is missing something the robot expects in his thought bubble the robot waits for the programmer to put something in the hole. If while the robot was waiting the city was saved and restored (either directly or via time travel) then the robot no longer noticed when the hole was filled.
  5. Fixed a performance problem that occurred when many objects were destroyed at the same time.
  6. If the city of the DefaultUser was saved while some animation was going on then when starting ToonTalk the animation had an incorrect geometry and timing.


  1. Fixed a problem introduced on 5/1 where sometimes if a bird/nest pair is saved the connection was lost.
  2. Fixed several minor memory leaks.
  3. Fixed a possibly significant memory leak involving the pages of a notebook that it is open to when the notebook is destroyed.
  4. Fixed a demo and time travel bug where sometimes the font size of on text pads became very small.


  1. Fixed a possibly significant memory leak that occurred if an object was destroyed while it was busy animating.
  2. Fixed more minor leaks.
  3. Robots trained to flip pages of a notebook didn't always do the right thing when given the notebook of mathematical operations.


  1. Fixed a bug where a robot was trained to drop something in hole (or was retrained and originally was trained to drop something on a bird in a box) that the bird got stuck after one delivery.


  1. Fixed a recently introduced bug that prevented a robot from flipping through pages of a notebook while on the screen.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 1/5 that interfered with creating new long-distance birds.
  2. If a bird is returning to a box where it started flying from and the programmer has put something in the box, then the bird flies back and forth waiting for the object to be removed. If while waiting the user scrolled to another screen ToonTalk crashed.
  3. Sometimes if a city is saved while robots are using remote controls for pictures then those pictures were restored with the wrong geometry.
  4. If a team of robots with 3 or more members is running off screen when a city is saved then sometimes they didn't work correctly when the city was restored.
  5. Released 3.41X.


  1. Fixed a recently introduce bug saving birds and nests that caused their connection to sometimes be lost.
  2. A robot who drops a zero-length text pad on an erased text pad waited forever.


  1. Fixed a bug that caused user sounds in Java applets to be lost.


  1. Removed a 64K limit on the number of parts the parts sensor can detect.


  1. Fixed a memory leak involving notebooks (including sometimes the remote control notebook of pictures).
  2. Fixed another memory leak involving the notebook of remote controls when it has been vacuum up (and a remote control for the looks of the picture is flipped).


  1. Fixed a memory leak involving what is on the left page of a notebook if it has been selected (e.g. pointed to).


  1. Fixed a bug where sometimes a demo log waits several seconds before starting.
  2. Demo logs are no longer wasteful by recording everything while the titles are showing.
  3. Fixed a minor bug caused sometimes by dropping a notebook on a notebook.
  4. Fixed a bug replaying a demo or time travel log that occurred sometimes when a notebook was being added to a notebook.


  1. Fixed a problem where if something is bammed but obscured by something over it, that it sometimes became invisible for a while.
  2. Released 3.44X.


  1. Undid a change introduced on 23/8/03 that caused animations to finish instantly if the camera panned (or you scrolled if you prefer that metaphor). This change fixed a problem where the geometry of actions came out wrong if panning happened while animating. The geometry is now correct so no need to finish instantly.
  2. If a bird on the floor is given something she returned to the same screen (or camera) coordinates. Now she returns to the same floor coordinates. These are identical if no panning occurs while she is flying.
  3. Fixed a time travel bug where the random number sensor behaved differently when replaying the past.


  1. Fixed a bug that occurred if a city was saved while a house was exploding or if a time travel segment boundary occurred while a house was exploding.
  2. Fixed a bug in time travel when Marty is giving help about things inside of Tooly.
  3. Fixed a bug in time travel that sometimes caused a tool to be picked up during replay when a button on the tool was pressed while recording.
  4. Introduced a new toontallk.ini option DontScrollOnFloor that makes the floor the same size as the screen so scrolling or panning is disabled. This is the way the puzzle game works - now it is an option in Free Play.


  1. Sometimes when replaying a time travel log the size of Marty's talk balloons were wrong.
  2. Fixed a bug where sometimes during time travel some objects animate strangely. For example, if you are holding Dusty sometimes he would switch to his "inert" form.


  1. Tooly would sometimes get into a slightly incorrect state during time travel.
  2. Time travel would sometimes cut off Marty in mid-sentence.
  3. Fixed a bug in time travel caused by changing the main notebook and traveling back in time.
  4. Sometimes a freshly trained robot would receive the wrong generated name during time travel playback.


  1. Fixed a problem in time travel that occurred when a time travel segment boundary happened while something was falling onto a notebook page.
  2. Reduced the amount of memory ToonTalk objects need to function by a few percent.
  3. Fixed another time travel bug related to Tooly.
  4. Fixed a bug that broke puzzle 44 (only if puzzle 43 was done - not if you jumped to puzzle 44). Generally any puzzles following a puzzle that required a covered nest as a solution could trigger this.
  5. Released 3.45X.


  1. Fixed a bug recently introduced when playing back a time travel log that involves adding things to the main notebook.
  2. Fixed bugs in creating and replaying narrated demos (those not based upon time travel).
  3. Fixed a performance bug that slowed down time travel replay at segment boundaries.
  4. After you save something to a file, you now see a new dialog screen. It offers to show you the directory where your file was saved. Furthermore, the file is now created in a subdirectory called Programs of your user directory.
  5. Released 3.46X.


  1. Fixed a bug combining multiple user media file names from different pages of the same notebook to determine what media files the entire notebook requires.
  2. Since 3/2 the default value for the new toontalk.ini switch DontScrollOnFloor was set to 1.
  3. ToonTalk no longer leaves temporary copies of the snapshot when saving something to a file. The snapshot file is still inside the TT file and can be extracted by any unzip utility.


  1. Improved the timing accuracy of replaying subtitles or narration during time travel.
  2. The message "<file name> saved" can now be generated in languages which have the file name last.
  3. Fixed a problem with sensors of a picture that has been bammed and then unbammed.


  1. Demos and time travel can now deal with control-c of a file name in the Explorer followed by a control-v in ToonTalk.
  2. Demos and time travel can now deal with the drag and drop of files into ToonTalk.
  3. The milliseconds since last cycle sensor in demos and time travel now works correctly if you pause ToonTalk and resume it after more than 65 seconds.
  4. Improved the accuracy of the relative time display when replaying someone else's time travel logs.
  5. Improved the handling while recording time travel of hitting of Pause followed by Play.
  6. No longer sometimes repeat the same trouble shooting advice multiple times.
  7. Fixed a problem where time travel became confused after double Pause and then resume.


  1. When external files are imported into ToonTalk (e.g. by drag and drop) then a copy of the files is kept inside the time travel logs so they can be replayed even if that imported file no longer exists or is on another computer.
  2. Fixed a problem if time travel recording was paused and then jumped to a different segment and play was pressed.
  3. Fixed a problem (and unfortunately introduced a bug that was fixed 19/3) that occurred when adding to the end of a time travel archive.


  1. ToonTalk now recovers better from errors while replaying demos or time travel logs.
  2. When a time travel demo has been replayed to the end you now the time travel buttons so you can add to the end, replay, or quit. Previously it just started adding to the end.
  3. Demos now include a copy of the initial state of the main notebook.
  4. Fixed a time travel bug that occurred if you start a demo with the helicopter landing and then go back to a time when you are on the floor.
  5. Fixed a problem where occasionally ToonTalk wouldn't start because it thought ToonTalk was already running.
  6. Fixed a bug that could cause errors while ToonTalk is exiting.
  7. Fixed a bug creating a new time line while time travelling (recording while "in the past"). The change also means that making a new time line far into the past may take a long time but changing the recent past will be faster.


  1. Improved the handling of demos and time travel where the main notebook is altered.
  2. A running robot now always ignores things dropped on him (previously it depended upon the exact details as to whether it would be ignored or cause confusion).
  3. Fixed a time travel bug caused by jumping to a segment where Marty is talking.
  4. Fixed a time travel bug sometimes caused by jumping to a segment where a bird is flying.


  1. Fixed a problem using the -o command line option to explicitly name the newly created demo file.
  2. Demos created with the -o command line option by default now end up in the Demos subfolder of the user's ToonTalk folder.
  3. Fixed a problem creating a narrated demo using a subtitle file.
  4. Fixed another problem replaying narrated or subtitled demos where ToonTalk was paused during the recording.
  5. Fixed a problem where sometimes the narration was stopped while replaying a demo.
  6. Introduced a new toontalk.ini Switch called KeepSavingScreenShots that is handy for making a video from a ToonTalk demo.


  1. Fixed a bug where a robot didn't work correctly if trained to use the magic wand to copy something from a notebook page (rather than just pick up an automatically generated copy).
  2. Fixed a problem replaying a demo where a user sound file was pasted into ToonTalk.
  3. Improved the handling of keyboard events to infinite stacks (e.g. in Tooly). Further improved on 24/3.
  4. Generalized the way sounds respond to keyboard events to act like text pads. In particular you can now edit a text-to-speech sound by typing.
  5. Fixed a problem where ToonTalk forgot the original name of an imported sound file.
  6. Improved the handling of sound files dragged into ToonTalk.
  7. Removed some redundant computation that occurred while importing a sound file.
  8. Improved the location of newly copied items using the Magic Wand.


  1. Improved the accuracy of the timing of replaying demos. Many errors of less than a millisecond could accumulate to enough to cause subtitles or narration to get out of synch.
  2. Fixed a bug when dividing an integer that was internally represented with more than 32 bits when divided by a 32 bit integer produced 0 as the result.


  1. Fixed a bug restoring a city that had been saved with the power off. Also affected time travel when power was off.
  2. Improved the error handling if running a demo created by a later version of ToonTalk.


  1. Improved the replay of demos that had been paused while recording.
  2. Improved the display of a number in a box that had been flipped over and restored when rubout is typed to it.
  3. Improved the display of a number if its remote looks is typed to.
  4. Since it can take quite a while to create a new time line by recording somewhere in the middle of time archive, the cursor now turns into an hourglass.
  5. If something goes wrong while replaying a time travel segment ToonTalk skips to the next segment. It now also plays a "plop" sound to signal the replay isn't proceeding flawlessly.
  6. If while recording time travel you click on Pause twice you get a dialog screen. Returning from that dialog screen used to return you to recording but now you return to the time travel interface so you can choose to do other things than continue recording.
  7. Improved the response if replaying a time travel log and a button other than the pause button is clicked.


  1. If a robot loads a truck and the city is full, the robot used to stop and Marty reported the problem. The truck now drives off and searches for a lot to become empty.
  2. Fixed another problem replaying narrated or subtitled demos where ToonTalk was paused during the recording.


  1. Fixed a memory leak related to pages in a notebook.
  2. Sped up the time to exit from ToonTalk.
  3. Fixed a problem keeping track of user media files in notebooks where pages contain multiple user media files.


  1. Fixed a problem in non-English versions of copying and pasting the mathematical operations that require more than one character (e.g. "sine" and "denominator").
  2. Fixed a problem where sensors that display words (e.g. "yes" and "no") lost track of which natural language to use sometimes if added to a notebook.
  3. Fixed a problem that caused Marty to say "last key pressedIf you pick" without a space between "pressed" and "if".
  4. Sometimes spurious warnings about something being destroyed twice were caused by destroying a picture when its notebook of remote controls was on the floor.


  1. Fixed a bug caused by training a robot with a box containing copies of the same nest.
  2. Fixed a bug caused by training a robot with a box containing a bird and her nest.
  3. The feedback you get when holding something over something else often did not correspond to what happened if the item was dropped. Now they should always be identical.
  4. The remote looks of a picture when in the thought bubble of a robot is converted to an ordinary picture. This didn't happen if you sucked the box out of a robot's thought bubble and put a remote control for the looks of a picture in the box and put the box back in the thought bubble.
  5. Fixed a major memory leak that occurred on computers with too little memory to hold all the graphical objects (less than 256MB with a moderate screen resolution). Also pausing and resuming many times in the same session caused this. And importing a very large picture (several MB) caused this. Another part of this leak was fixed on 28/2.
  6. If an erased user picture is imported to another computer where the saved the media files are not available and hadn't been saved with the object, then it became an erased text pad.


  1. Implemented a new toontalk.ini Switch SaveMediaInMainNotebook that should be used if a user (or a default user) is to be moved to another computer.
  2. Eliminated spurious warnings if a tool is dropped on an erased notebook.
  3. If a notebook is open to page with a picture with sensors on the back and the notebook is copied and one copy is vacuumed up then sometimes the sensors became blank.


  1. Demos where more than 64K events happen within one cycle (probably has yet to happen) will now replay correctly.
  2. The format of demos was changed for robustness and so that errors can be recovered from. Note this means that demos created with 3.55 or later are not likely to run correctly in older versions of ToonTalk.
  3. When replaying a demo or time travel of the dragging or pasting of multiple files into ToonTalk the resulting box was not the right size.
  4. Eliminated some problems in time travel related to changes in the main notebook.
  5. Sometimes when text pads have been placed on a decoration sensor (wall, roof, or house) it switched back from See Some to See All so the background pad became visible.
  6. Fixed a problem where sometimes the decoration sensors didn't fit in a box hole correctly.
  7. Sometimes the roof or house decoration wasn't updated correctly and multiple copies of decoration appeared on top. And the placement of the copies was not correct.
  8. Fixed a problem where notebooks containing user media that were placed in the main notebook lost track of media files needed for export.
  9. Improved the geometry of text pads that are picked up from Tooly and immediately typed to (before they have become a good size).
  10. Fixed another part of the leak discovered on 26/2.
  11. Fixed a problem with saving and restoring a picture that is missing its file.


  1. Sometimes when rerecording during time travel the first new segment lasted too long.
  2. If the time travel archive is missing the most recent version of the city (due to a crash or abnormal exit), ToonTalk now starts with the most recent log segment.
  3. If a city was saved or a time travel segment ended while houses were exploding then on replay the houses didn't explode properly.
  4. Improved the drop feedback on boxes.
  5. Fixed a bug processing the -o command line option if the file name is quoted (typically because it contains spaces).
  6. Fixed a bug processing the -o command line option if the file name is ended with DMO.
  7. Numbers sometimes displayed drop feedback when something is held over them that can't be dropped on a number.
  8. Sensors that expect text pads to be dropped on them now give drop feedback only if a text pad is held over them.
  9. Improved drop feedback for notebooks.
  10. You can now return an empty notebook back to a stack (e.g. the stack of empty notebooks in the main notebook).
  11. Made additional drop feedback improvements.
  12. Fixed a bug that was triggered by landing on the water. This can be done by almost landing and then moving the helicopter to towards the water.
  13. If you suck a box out of a robot's thought bubble then you can either put a box back (typically after editing the box that was sucked out) or give it the robot for retraining. The drop feedback now indicates which will happen (depending upon whether the box is held over the robot or thought bubble).
  14. Sometimes while exiting ToonTalk after running in full-screen mode, a dialog appeared but it was underneath the current window.


  1. Fixed a recently introduced bug that sometimes prevented dropping a box on a robot on the back of a picture.
  2. Fixed a bug creating a new branch of the current time line.
  3. Fixed a bug generating unique internal file names.


  1. Replaced the 3.1 version of the multiple precision arithmetic package (GMP) with the 4.1 version. Is reported to be more robust and a workaround to a division bug that doubled the cost of division is no longer used.
  2. Changed the default value of the toontalk.ini Switch MovementSelectionFeedback from 1 to 2 pixels since this makes the wiggle feedback easier to notice.
  3. The -I command line option now accepts relative file paths. E.g. UK\intro_v2 to indicate the intro_v2.dmo file in the UK subfolder of the ToonTalk Demos folder.
  4. Implemented a new toontalk.ini Switch MakeCurrentExeDefault so that you can more easily update which version of ToonTalk should be the default version.


  1. Improved the wording of the DLL foreign bird warning and now support different language versions of the warning.
  2. If a demo or time travel archive contains a ToonTalk executable (a version guaranteed to be able to run the demo), then you are now asked if you want to run it.
  3. Implemented a new toontalk.ini Executables option UseThisIniFileFirst. This is useful for administering networked installations on multiple computers.
  4. Implemented a new toontalk.ini Switches option UseLocalIniFilesWhenLoading.


  1. Fixed a problem where Marty would speak nonsense when describing a robot that did something after setting of a bomb (not clear how such a robot was trained). Fixed a bug in the 2/16 change "A running robot now always ignores things dropped on him" that sometimes the robot didn't ignore things.
  2. The maximum length of a toontalk.ini entry was doubled from 256 to 512 characters.


  1. If a long-distance bird is given something and ToonTalk can't connect to the nest, it keeps trying. I used to try once a second and now the frequency which it tries grows until it reaches a maximum of one minute.
  2. The XML produced when a ToonTalk object is saved sometimes has additional information that is ignored by ToonTalk but is helpful in understanding by a human reader. This extra information is only added when something is placed on the clipboard to avoid the overhead in other cases.
  3. The text on a sound pad can now be edited using the keyboard while it is held.
  4. Fixed a problem caused by copying (e.g. using control-c) followed by multiple pastes (e.g. using control-v) where sometimes an part is shared between the two copies.
  5. Fixed a bug introduced on 18/2 that broke the self-copying mode of the Magic Wand.
  6. Made the DirectX graphics code more robust in rare circumstances where it caused an error.
  7. Fixed a bug in the code that deals with loading bad XML for a shared boxed.


  1. Fixed some bugs introduced on 3/3 to deal with local ini files.


  1. Fixed bugs introduced since 2.39 that interfere with ToonTalk installations that fall back on the CD-ROM for files not installed to the hard disk.
  2. If the toontalk.ini file doesn't have a setting for the Directories entry BuiltinPictureDir, a reasonable default is used instead.


  1. If an XML file is loaded where a picture on top of a picture is missing geometry (seems there was a bug in ToonTalk versions from about a year ago that created such files), then these parts are now given a default size and location.


  1. If a robot can't find something he expects he now looks confused and scratches his head.
  2. Fixed a problem that occasionally generated spurious warnings about something being a part of something else when placed on the floor.
  3. The -next_dialog command line option now supports partial file paths. (E.g. UK/dialog2.htm)
  4. ToonTalk now recovers better from when the -next_dialog command line option specifies a non-existent file.


  1. The message "If you insert the ToonTalk CD-ROM and wait a few seconds, ToonTalk will be able to continue." is now in English if the CD-ROM is needed in order to access the language-specific string table.
  2. HTML dialog files if not installed on the hard drive can now be loaded from the ToonTalk CD-ROM.
  3. If the toontalk.ini file doesn't have an entry for DemoToonTalk32 then the entry for ToonTalk32 is used instead.


  1. If ToonTalk can't find some necessary internal files, it now checks the ToonTalk CD-ROM before quitting and reporting the problem.
  2. Warning dialog screens about the speed of running off the CD-ROM and one advising that sound be turned on are no longer displayed. (They were sometimes displayed underneath other dialogs.)


  1. ToonTalk recovers better from the loading of an invalid picture file.


  1. Fixed a bug where if a notebook is removed from the main notebook, changed, and then put on another page that it sometimes loses the changes.
  2. Fixed a bug introduce a few weeks ago that prevented the dropping of things on the back of pictures (others than robots, boxes, text, and pictures).


  1. Fixed a bug resulting from copying a bird who has no nest with the Magic Wand.
  2. Fixed a bug where ToonTalk thought that successive pages in a notebook needed all the media files of the previous pages. (Just wasteful.)
  3. Fixed a bug that where the size of something on the page of a notebook that was copied was sometimes wrong.
  4. Fixed a bug keeping track of media files in notebooks.


  1. Fixed a bug adding to the end of an existing time travel archive.


  1. Fixed a time travel replay bug that sometimes caused problems replaying the first log segment.
  2. Sometimes if a bird was given something and her nest had been copied and some of the copies were no longer available (e.g. on the wall of the rocket in the puzzle game) then one saw a large number of copies of the bird delivering things. The fix should also speed things up when the original nest has been vacuumed up or destroyed.
  3. Fixed a bug introduced a few weeks ago that caused the display of the relative time when replaying someone else's time travel archive to show zeroes.
  4. Fixed a bug where sometimes replaying a demo used the wrong user name.


  1. Fixed a bug in replaying a demo or a time travel archive that began with the double clicking on a TT file. And older demos that started this way now have warnings in the log file.


  1. Fixed another bug in replaying a demo or a time travel archive that began with the double clicking on a TT file.
  2. When something is pasted into ToonTalk it begins running when it has settled down on the floor. Pictures began to run sooner than that.


  1. When you type to something in Tooly (or an infinite stack anywhere but on a notebook page) then its geometry is now identical to having picked it up first and then typed to it.
  2. Fixed yet another bug in replaying a demo or a time travel archive that began with the double clicking on a TT file.


  1. Fixed a time travel replay bug that happened when jumping from on the floor with something selected to a time where the programmer wasn't on the floor.
  2. Fixed two bugs for minimal installs (that require the CD-ROM to run).
  3. Demos (and time travel) often don't replay correctly with a different screen resolution. Demos now record the screen resolution and on replay use the resolution that the demo was recorded with.


  1. Fixed a problem where sometimes when clicking on the Play button in time travel you briefly see both the old image and the new changes.


  1. Some HTML dialogs that should have had the buttons "Retry" and "Cancel" had "Yes" and "No" instead.
  2. Generating a Java applet with a minimal installation asks for the CD-ROM when not necessary.


  1. Fixed a bug replaying demos and time travel logs that was introduced with version 3.65
  2. Recovers better now from problems replaying a time travel segment.
  3. In the Puzzle Game sometimes robots are supplied that were trained earlier by the player. These robots were too small.
  4. Fixed a bug that sometimes occurred if quitting while robots were running.


  1. Introduced a new toontalk.ini Switch called RunOncePerCycleIfMatchBlankWithSensor.


  1. Greatly improved the algorithm for deciding where a robot should drop something.
  2. Improved the size of things when a robot is working on the floor and you are standing up.
  3. Introduced a new toontalk.ini Switch called RobotDropLocationFollowsCamera.
  4. Released 3.66.


  1. Time travel archives were not recording those toontalk.ini options that can affect the accuracy of replay. This means that the replay may fail if ToonTalk is customized differently from when it was recorded. This shortcoming did not apply to non-time-travel demos. A work-around is to use the -local_ini_file command line option. The options whose value can affect replay are LeftAndRightMouseButtonsDownMeansEscape, MaximumItemsInDusty, RunCharacterStopCharacter, DustyUsedOncePerClick, MillisecondsPumpyUsedPerClick, SensorsChangeAtDropNotWhenBammed, GoodSizesAreAFixedPercentageOfScreen, NumberShrinkage, DisplayTextRightToLeft, DontScrollOnFloor, RunOncePerCycleIfMatchBlankWithSensor, and RobotDropLocationFollowsCamera.
  2. Fixed a bug where demo or time travel recording was incorrect if a Java applet was generated during the session.
  3. Fixed a bug replaying demos introduced 3 days ago.
  4. Fixed a bug in the RobotDropLocationFollowsCamera feature introduced yesterday.
  5. Further improved the algorithm for deciding where a robot should drop something. This includes improvements when watching the robot while standing in the room.


  1. Fixed a bug where StartTT (but not the main ToonTalk executable) ignored the new UseThisIniFileFirst ini option.
  2. Implemented a new command line option -local_ini_file.


  1. Removed a confusing line for the user log file that only indicated a frame count that was sometimes negative.
  2. ToonTalk now attempts to recover from a DirectX error and if unsuccessful exits gracefully rather than crashing.


  1. Sometimes when replaying a narrated time travel demo after jumping to a segment, the previous narration was played (and often interrupted by the next one).
  2. When you begin recording in an existing time travel archive, ToonTalk now reads the critical toontalk.ini options. Previously the settings left by the time travel archive were in effect.
  3. The user's folder name (entered when starting ToonTalk) is now limited to the first 100 characters in the user's name. This is to avoid overflows due to file names that include the user's folder name.
  4. Implemented the new toontalk.ini switch TTFileMax which maintains a fixed number of backups of the last thing saved by a user.
  5. Implemented the new toontalk.ini directory options UserProgramsFolderName and OldUserProgramsFolderName.


  1. Fixed a bug where the feature that if you drop something partially on a wall it moves so it is completely on the floor. This feature only worked if you either sat down on the floor or had move (i.e. scrolled) while on the floor. This broke some time travel replays.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 4/4 that caused the tools to have a small size for new users (and no Default User enabled). Bug is in 3.66 and 3.67 only.
  2. Released 3.68 and beta 42.


  1. Improved the error handling with files inside of demo and time travel archives.


  1. Added error handling in the case DirectInput has troubles acquiring access to the mouse.
  2. Improved the error handling while using DirectDraw to show graphics.
  3. Fixed a problem where files were left open causing problems saving and restoring in Windows 98 and Me.
  4. Rather than report an error trying to generate a crash report on Windows 98 and Me, ToonTalk no longer tries to generate a crash dump for those versions of Windows.
  5. ToonTalk sometimes generated XML with encoding instructions. This caused saving in Windows 98/Me to fail. A consequence of this is that sometimes to view XML generated by ToonTalk in Internet Explorer it needs to be saved as Unicode first. WordPad for example can read in the XML and save it as Unicode.
  6. Fixed a problem starting ToonTalk while ToonTalk is already running that occurred only in Windows 98/Me.


  1. Some redundant information in the XML produced by ToonTalk was removed shrinking the files somewhat.


  1. ToonTalk under rare circumstances can lose track of where a bird was supposed to return to and crash. Now the bird just doesn't return.
  2. Improved the location of the display of some objects when seen from the helicopter.
  3. Fixed a problem replaying demos involving walking.


  1. Fixed a time travel replay problem involving colliding with the walls of the room while on the floor.
  2. Fixed many rare time travel replay bugs that caused the replay to be inaccurate.
  3. ToonTalk deals better now when something is dropped on 2 items and one of them can't accept the item.
  4. If something is changing size while viewed from the helicopter it used to appear to drift away.
  5. While replaying a time travel log and an error occurs ToonTalk didn't always jump to the next segment correctly.


  1. In Windows 98 and Me only the mouse cursor for clicking on time travel buttons was not visible.


  1. Made further progress is getting the time travel buttons to work in full-screen mode in Windows 98/Me.


  1. Fixed a problem dropping a box on an erased number (to obtain the number of holes).
  2. Fixed a problem with the clipboard sensor when multiple items  are pasted at once.
  3. The clipboard sensor no longer displays objects if a file is on the clipboard. When files are on the clipboard and this sensor is active this was a major performance bug.
  4. If a PZL file was on the clipboard then the copies of the initial items on the floor repeatedly appeared on the floor when in Free Play.


  1. Sometimes a bird delivered things to its nest even though the nest was on a page of a notebook. No longer.
  2. Fixed a problem saving objects with bird/nest pairs where sometimes the connection was not preserved when reloaded.
  3. When entering time travel the mouse cursor now starts off over the pause button.
  4. Made further progress is getting the time travel buttons to work in full-screen mode in Windows 98/Me.


  1. Fixed a problem undoing a Bam of a numeric operation on another numeric operation.


  1. Sometimes the user log had spurious warnings about memory consistency caused while exiting ToonTalk.


  1. Fixed a problem caused sometimes by undoing Bammer's joining of boxes.
  2. Demos and time travel archives remember which media files were added to ToonTalk. The sound files are no longer copied and kept in both temporarily storage and the media folder.
  3. Improved the way cities are saved and restored so that Bammer can be undone in some circumstances.
  4. Sometimes when Bammer is undone after combining numbers the result became for example "+2" rather than simply "2".
  5. When a sound file was pasted into ToonTalk it had room for 32 characters regardless of whether the sound file name was shorter or longer than that.
  6. Improved the error handling while ToonTalk is zipping files.


  1. If a bird is loaded or copied from a thought bubble without a nest, it creates a new nest. If a city was saved while it was creating a new nest or a time travel segment boundary occurred then it did restore correctly.
  2. Fixed a bug caused by copying Tooly to the clipboard and then pasting him in.
  3. Improved the error handling while time travel playback.
  4. Time travel archives now contain city files. Earlier the contents of the file was merged with the DMO log files. This improves the playback of successive time travel segments.
  5. When running in a window the mouse cursor changes to a "wait state" (e.g. an hourglass) in more situations than previously.
  6. Fixed a bug where ToonTalk crashed while exiting if the Magic Wand had just been dropped.
  7. Demos and time travel archives of robots that had more than 4 temporary items (e.g. placed on the ground) now replay correctly.


  1. Improved the way non-time travel demos are saved internally.
  2. Sometimes demos and time travel involving adding and removing pictures to pictures didn't replay exactly correctly.
  3. Fixed a problem in replaying demos and time travel where the collision sensor didn't go on or off exactly at the same time.


  1. Improved the error handling during replay of demos and time travel.
  2. When training a robot with a box containing sensors with numeric or textual values, the box in the robot's thought bubble has ordinary text or number pads rather than sensors in it. (Since sensors in a thought bubble don't make much sense and are costly and confusing.)
  3. Improved the error handling when starting ToonTalk on a computer without the "My Documents" folder.
  4. Fixed a bug where sometimes after pausing and returning to ToonTalk the built-in sounds were mixed up so sometimes the wrong sound was played.
  5. Removed a spurious warning that sometimes was placed in the log file when loading remote controls.
  6. When recording a new time line the new line no longer contains unneeded city files.


  1. If a city was saved or a time travel segment boundary caused a city to be saved where a bird has set down her message to remove things from her nest then it didn't restore properly.
  2. Time travel didn't always replay correctly when a boundary occurred while Tooly had just run off screen before you stood up.
  3. If something was dropped on the remote control for the looks of a picture that isn't on screen (e.g. on the floor of another house) then it sometimes waited to finish the drop until you entered that house. Also improved the error handling if something goes wrong in this case.
  4. Fixed a bug introduce the day before that caused some bugs with sensors changing allegiance.
  5. Sometimes when a large team of robots is stopped and dropped on the floor only some of the robots "know" that they've stopped and they animated incorrectly.
  6. Fixed a related bug when a large team of robots is running on the back of a picture.
  7. Fixed a recently introduced bug that caused the dropping of a box on a robot on the back of a picture to be ignored.
  8. Fixed a bug where sometimes a freshly copied text pad had text was displayed beyond the edges of the text pad.
  9. Fixed a problem restoring a city accurately while Tooly is moving on the floor.
  10. Fixed a problem replaying demos and time travel that sometimes occurred when fixed width font text pads were involved and were recorded in Windows 2000/XP and replayed in Windows 98/Me (or vice versa). Also new version is much faster when manipulating fixed width font text pads.


  1. The command line option -must_be_new_user caused spurious warnings to be generated in log files.


  1. Fixed a problem where sometimes nests weren't saved correctly in notebooks.


  1. Fixed some problems using F11 to undo the joining of robots into a team.


  1. An erased picture in a thought bubble no longer matches a flipped picture. (Except for robots trained in earlier versions of ToonTalk.) This makes it possible to have a robot react differently to flipped and unflipped pictures.
  2. Fixed a bug the occurs sometimes when  a robot is trained on a box containing sensors together with the text or number pad they are sensing.
  3. Sometimes when the parts or containers sensors are placed on the back of a picture they weren't updated.
  4. The parts and containers sensors can be "flipped" to control whether they are sensing the front or back of a picture. This wasn't always saved correctly so when restoring a city or object the sensors may be sensing the back rather than the front.
  5. Sometimes the containers remote control would display as black.
  6. The containers remote now senses containers that are not pictures -- e.g. boxes. Except for robots created in older versions.
  7. The containers sensor was limited to 64K levels of containment. Limit is now larger than could possibly fit in memory.
  8. Fixed a problem loading a notebook containing long-distance birds.
  9. Fixed a problem caused sometimes by loading something containing flipped pictures in boxes.


  1. Improved the handling of F11 to undo Bammer so that the exactly correct state of the objects is restored.


  1. Under some circumstances when a bird on the floor was given something she didn't return to exactly the same spot.
  2. Sometimes a bird returning to a hole in a box didn't display at the correct location.
  3. Fixed a problem where some changes to sensors that display non-numeric values caused ToonTalk to occasionally freeze.
  4. You can now erase a flipped picture.
  5. Fixed a problem where demos and time travel didn't always replay correctly if some of your actions were affected by bumping into a wall.
  6. Improved the error recovery when replaying someone else's time travel archive. (This accidentally caused other error recovery problems when replaying time travel until fixed on 6/6.)
  7. When loading and an externally referenced object is missing, the resulting objects now has clearer text explaining what happened. And the text is nicely centered when appropriate.


  1. Fixed a problem where the size of pictures was wrong if flipped while standing up.


  1. Was doing too much work when loading pictures with robots on the back including updating sensors and trying to run robots.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 14/5 that interfered with error handling during time travel playback.


  1. F7 (to hurry things up) interfered with the correct behaviour of birds when delivering something to a non-empty nest.
  2. Fixed a problem where if different parts of a time travel archive were produced with different versions of ToonTalk that later segments recorded that they were created with earlier versions. Sometimes caused inaccurate replay.
  3. If operation was dropped on an erased numerical operation it became a number rather than remaining an operation.
  4. Fixed a bug caused by F11 to undo the bamming of a number on a text pad.
  5. Sometimes typing to a text pad that had been flipped did cause it to change size properly.
  6. Fixed a problem were the remote looks of number's good size was that of a text pad with 1 on it regardless of how digits the number had.
  7. Fixed a problem in the puzzle game where if you did something not allowed (e.g. use the keyboard in those puzzles that prohibit using the keyboard) then the feedback sound began to play repeatedly. Bug introduced on 20/2/04.
  8. Sometimes the remote control for the looks of a text pad displayed text beyond the edges of the text pad.
  9. Fixed a problem where the sound of using Pumpy sometimes played repeatedly even after done using him.


  1. Fixed a problem introduced on 13/5 dealing with destroying robots.
  2. Control-s caused confusion when applied to Tooly or the tools that live in him. It is ignored now.


  1. If the arrow keys are pressed while pointing to a label of a box then strange text ended up in the label.
  2. Improved the KeyDescription attribute in the XML describing what a robot types.
  3. Fixed a bug  pasting previously copied numbers with 10 or few digits in a base between 2 and 9 inclusive.


  1. You can now use arrow keys to edit all text (except the labels of boxes). A caret is displayed and you can insert or delete text from the insertion point. (Does not apply to robots trained in earlier versions.)
  2. You can now type numbers even if the intermediate states are syntactically incorrect. It is only when dropped or when deselected does the newly typed number get updated. If the result is syntactically incorrect the number reverts to its previous value. (Does not apply to robots trained in earlier versions.)


  1. Fixed several recently introduced bugs with number typing and arrow key editing.
  2. Dropping a text pad containing text that can be converted to a number on an erased number used to convert to a number only if the number was a "long" -- signed and fits within 32 bits. Can now be any syntactically correct number.
  3. ToonTalk now ignores preceding spaces when converting a text string to a number.
  4. Flipped pictures now display a title bar containing a miniature of the appearance of the picture or pad and room to type a comment.
  5. Fixed a problem with which objects Dusty selects to operate on when called via F2 and then you move your hand as he is being grasped.
  6. If you pick up something with a dimension that is bigger than the screen you no longer grasp it on the edge but can grasp it in the middle.


  1. You can now save a city while grasping a large object by the middle and it will restore properly.


  1. Improved the error handling in returning from an HTML dialog page.
  2. If the toontalk.ini option RunAfterSaving is used and a Java applet is created then the executable specified by RunAfterSaving is called with a path to the ToonTalk object saved along with the Java applet files.
  3. Executables such as those specified by RunAfterSaving are now run with the connected directory being the ToonTalk installation directory. So these entries need not be full path names.


  1. Fixed another bug where sometimes bird/nest connections were not always saved properly.
  2. Fixed a recently introduced bug caused by typing to a non-numeric sensor.
  3. Fixed a few problems introduced on 12/6 in displaying the back of a picture.
  4. Released Beta 43.


  1. Fixed a bug that caused Windows 98 and Me to be unstable after displaying HTML dialogs if the text-to-speech engine hadn't been initialized.


  1. Fixed a problem editing a number via the remote control for its looks.
  2. Fixed a problem adding a comment to the back of a picture via its remote control for its looks.
  3. Saving a city where a picture is inside of Dusty sometimes caused the picture to have the wrong size is spit out by Dusty in a restored city.
  4. Fixed a problem where the back of an erased object was displayed with no label or contents.
  5. Fixed a problem where sometimes the title bar on the back of a picture was displayed with the wrong dimensions.
  6. Sometimes a tool kept animating as if it were running if it was called for and something else was picked up before it reached your hand.
  7. If multi-line text was pasted into ToonTalk it displayed with an extra blank line at the end. (This fixed caused some correct empty lines to not be displayed - fixed on 5/7/04.)
  8. Pressing F2 followed by F2 didn't cause Dusty to instantly jump into your hand if the power had been turned off.
  9. Made playback of demos and time travel more robust.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 20/3 that prevented birds from being seen when outside.
  2. Pressing Delete to a remote control or a sound caused it to stop (like '.' does).
  3. Control-c while holding a number pad followed by control-v sometimes pasted in a number in a different format.
  4. Probably fixed a bug where Dusty sucked up a picture and its notebook of remote controls and then they were destroyed because MaximumItemsInDusty was exceeded.
  5. Puzzles can specify that the goal should cover up the string of #s and the computation wasn't accurate so a bit of the string of #s could often be seen.
  6. Variable width text pads that are not black or whose pad is invisible save to the clipboard as an XML encoding rather than as the text itself. So when pasted back they became black and show all.
  7. Fixed another problem where Dusty runs in place after being dropped.
  8. Fixed a problem where the variable font width text pad the can be interpreted as a number (e.g. "123") becomes the number (e.g. 123) when copied and pasted back in.


  1. Fixed a very minor memory leak.


  1. Arrow key editing had the incorrect insertion point if the text was partly off-screen.
  2. Improved the error handling for user imported sounds.
  3. The snapshot created when saving something to a file or editing a picture wasn't always correct if the object was larger than the screen.
  4. Text pads or labels containing the substring "]]>" did not save correctly in XML (since that is the code for the end of a character data section).
  5. Improved the error handling for text pads containing "]]>" saved in earlier versions.
  6. Fixed a bug introduced on 10/6 that didn't display text pads correctly after a carriage return is added (without any following characters).


  1. Sometimes the geometry of a nest on the floor was not saved correctly interfering with demo and time-travel playback.
  2. If a text string that begins with a digit or numerical operation and containing a '/ ' is pasted into ToonTalk and it can't be interpreted as a number only the portion before the '/' was pasted.
  3. If you flipped a picture or text pad over multiple times very quickly you sometimes got copies of its notebook of remote controls.
  4. Sometimes when replaying a time travel archive you saw Tooly without anything inside his compartments.
  5. Fixed a performance bug while Tooly is wiggling due to being selected.


  1. Added a new Switch to toontalk.ini called ReincarnateToolsIfDestroyed. Previously if Tooly or one the tools that lives inside of him was vacuumed and then destroyed (because Dusty's stomach capacity was limited by MaximumItemsInDusty) then errors and inconsistencies resulted. You can now elect to either have the tool be destroyed or reincarnated afresh.


  1. Fixed a problem where a robot that was matching a box with a nest that a bird was adding an additional element to would wait rather than match against what was on top of the nest that the bird temporarily removed. This fix introduced another bug matching covered nests that was partly fixed on 11/7 and completely fixed on 13/7.
  2. Fixed a problem displaying erased flipped pictures.


  1. Warnings added to the user log file (user_name.txt in the user's folder) before ToonTalk was initialized were lost.
  2. If -o is used to create a flat demo file, then the time travel check mark is now ignored.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 8/7 involving matching against covered nests.
  2. When every member of a team of robots fails to match a box, then ToonTalk incorrectly animated some of the robots as waiting rather than giving up.
  3. Fixed a bug in named flat demos created with  -o that depended upon what other demos had been made by this same user.
  4. Sometimes while in full-screen mode ToonTalk displays a dialog while shutting down (e.g. about seeing hints or the log file) underneath the ToonTalk window. Fixing this introduced a bug fixed on 13/7 that crashed ToonTalk if a dialog was needed in full-screen mode before ToonTalk finished initializing.


  1. Fixed a bug displaying the correct color floor or ground after Tooly had been vacuumed up.
  2. Sometimes loading a robot caused it to move to the side. This was also wasteful.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 8/7 involving matching against covered nests.
  2. Fixed a problem recently introduced where pictures when flipped and then flipped back became the size they were when flipped.
  3. Fixed problems when flipping the remote control for the looks of a picture where extra copies of the notebook of remote controls appeared.
  4. Fixed a bug introduced on 11/7 where ToonTalk crashed in full-screen mode if a dialog was displayed before initialization completed.


  1. If you vacuum up and then spit out a notebook of remote controls the image of the picture at the bottom center of the notebook temporarily became very wide.
  2. Some built-in animations such as the helicopter in the Pictures notebook did not display in a steady way but jumped around.
  3. Couldn't return to Tooly bombs, trucks, or nests.
  4. The ball and paddle in the Pictures notebook had a second appearance (can type + or - or rubout) to them that was invisible and incorrect.
  5. If ReincarnateToolsIfDestroyed was set to 0 and the main notebook was destroyed then ToonTalk crashed when you trained a robot.


  1. Fixed a bug where a notebook is copied, flipped to another page, a page is vacuumed off, and then the vacuum doesn't work on the same page of the notebook copy.


  1. Fixed a bug saving something containing copies of the same nest where if the saved object was loaded into the same ToonTalk more than once then the bird/nest connections were confused.
  2. If you made a Java applet of a non-rectangular picture that changes its appearance, the new appearance was painted on top of the old appearance. Now the applet is made with a rectangle under the picture.
  3. If you flip a picture and type a comment, that comment will be used for the applet name unless there already is a short text pad on the back of the picture.
  4. Released Beta 44 and 3.90.


  1. Fixed a bug where copies of nests were not maintained correctly when taken out of a notebook. (Note that they were added to the notebook correctly so old code should work now.)
  2. Time travel replay sometimes went wrong if portions of it were re-recorded during playback.


  1. Added three new switches to toontalk.ini to control how narrated or subtitles demos playback. They are DisplayAvailableSubtitlesInDemos, PlayAvailableDemoSoundFiles, and  SpeakAvailableDemoText.


  1. Fixed a bug saving cities or making demos where trucks are driving outside and you then fly in the helicopter. Or when you land the helicopter while trucks are driving around.
  2. If you turn on a picture when power is off (e.g. via F8) then it'll run when the power is back on. This didn't work if a city was saved, restored, and then power was turned back on. This broke some time travel replay.
  3. Fixed a memory leak associated with loading cities with trucks driving around or many items left on the ground.


  1. Fixed a problem saving a city when holding a number that has been completely rubbed out so that it is restored correctly.
  2. Fixed a problem unbamming something that was dropped on a picture with pictures with robots running on the back.
  3. If a number was copied and then edited while still attached to the wand it become the correct number only when dropped on the floor -- not when dropped on another number.


  1. Fixed a expiration date problem with the Beta 44 installer.


  1. Fixed a bug where a robot edited a number without holding it and it acted like it wasn't edited.
  2. Teams of robots now line up when you pick them up.
  3. Fixed a bug caused by rubbing out a number completely.
  4. If a robot vacuumed up a notebook of remote controls for a picture then when that picture is flipped over the notebook was not selectable.
  5. Made a small improvement to the internal layout in memory for robots -- should run a bit faster and take less time.


  1. Fixed several bugs involving training robots to use Pumpy.
  2. Fixed a bug where ToonTalk crashed while training to report a warning to the log file about failing to create a demo zip archive.


  1. Fixed a bug training a robot to vacuum a value off a sensor (like the Parts sensor) if the sensor wasn't in a box.
  2. Fixed a couple bugs using the uncollide facility of the collision remote control.
  3. Released 3.95.
  4. Fixed a bug that occurs sometimes when a large team of robots uses the wand to copy themselves.


  1. Fixed a bug that prevented Marty from saying the name of a robot that stops abnormally while running off-screen.
  2. When a robot drops something unexpected on a text pad, there wasn't always a warning from Marty.
  3. Under some circumstances after pressing F8, you can't select things or type to them.
  4. Fixed an non-symptomatic bug (wrong arguments passed to Windows API but no harm done) typing a label of a nest.
  5. Since 22/02 robots don't stop just because the city is full of houses. Sometimes the image of a door appeared when the city filled up.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced with arrow key editing that can cause crashes when typing to erased numbers.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 29/7 that caused large robot teams to fail and to cause only some team members to be saved.
  2. ToonTalk would crash when dragging a picture or sound file into ToonTalk when time travel was off and demo was being created.
  3. Sometimes when ToonTalk exits abnormally a partial DMO file is left on the user's folder that caused a crash if opened.
  4. Released 3.97


  1. Fixed an apparently non-symptomatic bug related to training a robot to give a bird something.
  2. Some of the keys from the number pad when NumLock was on were interpreted incorrectly as 'f' to flip the object.
  3. Fixed another bug where dropping something that robots usually ignore (e.g. a picture) on a team while working or waiting sometimes froze or crashed ToonTalk.
  4. Fixed a bug where a robot was trained to flip the pages of a notebook and was always flipping to the same page regardless of what page the notebook is open to.
  5. Fixed a recently introduced bug where if you picked up a robot in a team while it was working sometimes you didn't get the whole team.


  1. Fixed a bug displaying very large shrinking digit numbers (large enough for thousands of digits to appear and taller than the screen).
  2. Improved significantly the speed of displaying shrinking digit numbers when part of it is off screen.
  3. Fixed a problem where the right border of a large number pad appeared and disappeared as its size changed.
  4. Released 3.98.


  1. Fixed a minor memory leak when loading XML containing nests.
  2. Fixed problems with the room decoration sensor where it worked in one house and when you went to another house it showed the decorations of the other house.


  1. Made further improvements to the display of shrinking digits.


  1. If a box is left on the ground and then seen from a helicopter its contents were displayed twice (and at different places).
  2. If a box with more than one hole is left on the ground then all but the first hole was displayed stretched when seen from the helicopter.
  3. Made even more improvements to the display of shrinking digits.
  4. Fixed a problem where sometimes the button on the Magic Wand drifts away from the wand (usually when pasting in a wand).
  5. Fixed a recently introduce bug where shrinking digits weren't displayed in the portion of the number pad that stuck out into the water.
  6. If something was pumped up too big (so it was over tens of millions of pixels in width or height) then it disappeared. Now Pumpy stops increasing its size and makes a funny sound.
  7. Released 3.99.


  1. Fixed problems copying something containing a bird and multiple copies of her nest where sometimes the copy's birds were connected with the original.
  2. Fixed problems copying and pasting something containing a bird and multiple copies of her nest where sometimes the copy's birds were connected with the original.
  3. Sensors on the floor sometimes changed their size as their values changed.
  4. Fixed a problem typing and editing a notebook's label while holding it.
  5. When you use Dusty to erase a page of a notebook, you end up erasing a copy of that page. The copy was the same size and position as the page leading to confusion. It now animates to the same size as if you grabbed a copy from the page.
  6. Fixed a problem with undoing a collision by typing to a collision sensor that was introduced on 29/7. It broke the Pong game in the Examples notebook and some Playground games.
  7. Sometimes if a large team of robots was saved while running where an early robot was waiting for a sensor to change, then when loaded the team sometimes wouldn't run until stopped and restarted.
  8. If a robot is waiting for something to arrive on a nest, it is stopped (e.g. the picture it is on the back of is stopped), and then something arrives on the nest and the robot is resumed then ToonTalk sometimes crashed.
  9. ToonTalk has, on occasion, stopped with the error message "The surface cannot be restored because it is an implicitly created surface.". This error is not serious is now ignored rather than stopping ToonTalk.
  10. Released 3.100.


  1. Discovered and fixed a major memory leak when saving things to XML.


  1. Fixed bugs introduced when fixing the XML memory leak yesterday.
  2. If ToonTalk crashes or exits abnormally while generating a demo, then the demo file is incomplete and strange things happened if it was run. A dialog screen now says the demo is broken and exits from ToonTalk. Also some interim DMO files were left on the user's folder.
  3. Fixed a bug exiting from ToonTalk when it had run for less than 1 second.
  4. Fixed a bug when an object was more than 256 times larger than its normal size.


  1. Fixed another problem displaying very large objects where they disappeared when they become so large there was an arithmetic overflow.
  2. Removed a "feature" where if an object's area was greater than 50,000,000 pixels it became the size of the screen instead.
  3. Sometimes as you fly higher in the helicopter some objects on the ground when their height became less than one pixel, suddenly became somewhat taller.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 18/8 that can cause a crash when copying something with multiple bird/nest pairs.
  2. Fixed a problem when a bird flies to her nest when both are on the back of the same picture and a copy of the nest is in Dusty.
  3. Fixed a problem where if you make an infinite stack of text pads on the floor, that they change size as you grasp them.
  4. ToonTalk ignored the arrow keys and the Delete, Home, PageUp, and PageDown buttons if they came from the number pad rather than another part of the keyboard.
  5. Released 3.101.


  1. ToonTalk no longer foreshortens pictures left on the ground when seen from the helicopter.
  2. Fixed various bugs displaying very large boxes and their contents when seen from the helicopter.
  3. Fixed a bug displaying very large boxes on the floor or ground.
  4. Fixed a bug recording demos that begin with a robot that uses the millisecond timer. (This was true of many demos of the Playground city.)
  5. If default user has altered the main notebook (e.g. the Playground city and notebook) then when creating a demo, a new user's notebook was clobbered to be like the top level of the default user's notebook. (If you visited the Playground city, you'd seen the Picture text had different color text.)
  6. Released 3.102


  1. Fixed an installer bug since April that didn't provide a default voice, so there was no text-to-speech without using 'Set Options' to choose a voice (or if there was a setting from a previous installation).
  2. Fixed a bug introduced on 20/8 so that cities saved while Bammer is running, a bird is delivering something, or something was dropping into a box hole were not saved correctly. Note that cities are saved at time travel segment boundaries.
  3. Released 3.103


  1. Fixed another problem with displaying very large boxes (very many times larger than the screen when sitting down).


  1. Fixed more problems displaying very large boxes.
  2. When you use Pumpy to make something a "good size" then it keeps the center of the object at the same place. Now it does this unless that would result in the object going completely off screen.
  3. Released 3.104.


  1. If a robot is trained to type something to a number that is ignored, the robot now forgets it.
  2. If a robot is trained to type an extended key or the keyboard's number pad to a text pad other than those used for editing (arrow keys and delete) then extra letters appeared.
  3. If you trained a robot to alter a number using the operations on the keyboard's number pad (e.g. /, *, and -) then the robot also remembered the insertion of a letter (e.g. 'j' when the number pad '*' was typed).
  4. If anything other than a box is dropped on an erased notebook, you once again get a nice warning (broken since 27/2).
  5. Fixed a bug where sensor/picture relationships weren't preserved correctly when a notebook is dropped on an erased box.
  6. Fixed a bug where sensor/picture relationships weren't preserved correctly when a box is dropped on an erased notebook.
  7. If Dusty is used to erase the top element of an infinite stack (e.g. those in Tooly) they did not grow to a good size.
  8. Released 3.105


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 19/8 that caused ToonTalk to crash sometimes while saving a city where robots were working on the floor.


  1. Fixed a recently introduced bug training a robot to use arithmetic operators if typed using the keyboard's number pad.
  2. Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented warnings from being added to your log file.


  1. Fixed a bug using the + and - on the keyboard's number pad to remote controls.
  2. Released 3.106


  1. Fixed a couple sentences that Marty speaks that referred to the old way of cycling through possible sensor values using the space bar.
  2. If a very large number (over 5000 digits) is displayed then it used to put many repetitions of the warning that ToonTalk may run slowly in the log file.
  3. If a robot is renamed to consist only of white space (e.g. just " ") then it Java applets for it were generated incorrectly.
  4. ToonTalk would crash if a number was displayed (or typed to) if it had about 700,000 digits or more. The limit is now over 7,000,000 digits and rather than crash the number now just displays as "Unable to display N digits. The number itself should be fine but it can't be saved and restored. " The limit was doubled in early November.
  5. Fixed a problem with the UK English version where sometimes the final punctuation of sentences was missing when Marty was talking.


  1. Removed a confusing and unnecessary warning from the log file: "Failed to acquire access to mouse."
  2. If a picture has a bigger picture on top and that bigger picture includes pictures that are set to "SHOW ALL" then sometimes the black background was displayed beyond the limits of the picture.
  3. Optimized the display of pictures that are parts of other pictures but are completely beyond the limits of the picture.
  4. Sometimes when minimized after time travel is paused, then ToonTalk got DirectX errors.
  5. Updated the exact arithmetic package (GMP) used to version 4.1.2.
  6. Released 3.107.


  1. If you drop a team of robots on an erased box, you end up with a box with a hole for each robot. This didn't work for 0-holed erased boxes.
  2. Fixed a problem introduced with 3.99 that caused some demos and time travel archives made in earlier versions of ToonTalk to replay incorrectly. In particular, the new version of the Exploding Houses demo now works again.
  3. Fixed a problem introduced on 16/8 that caused the button on Maggie the Magic Wand to appear at the wrong place if loading a city that had been created at a different screen resolution.
  4. Add a new Switch to toontalk.ini called MaximumPauseDurationDueToTimeTravel that helps adapt to high overhead for time travel.
  5. Released 3.108.


  1. The WebLabs ToonTalk FTP publishing tool now has a button for displaying the folder containing the recently saved item.


  1. Fixed a problem where a local ini file in DMO file zip archive was partly ignored. This is important for distributing demos with special needs.


  1. You can no longer grab things off a bird's nest if she has temporarily removed the stack to put something underneath. Doing so caused bugs.
  2. You can no longer grab a nest after dropping something on it until that item has settled down on the nest. Doing so caused bugs.
  3. Using Pumpy to make a bird a good size was broken.
  4. If you repeatedly used the Magic Wand, your wand would drift downward and things looked confusing.
  5. If you picked up a number and typed a lot of things to it then the number became broken and displayed strange things. (Typically typing about 40 characters triggered this bug.)
  6. Extremely large (more than 64K pixels in one dimension) numbers inside boxes caused display bugs and crashes.
  7. Released 3.109.


  1. When an object is destroyed by Bammer, then it is retained in a reduced form in case the user presses F11 to unbam. If a nest was part of that object then birds became mixed up and an copy of the bird begins to fly off and gets stuck. Also there was a memory leak in this situation.
  2. Sometimes ToonTalk generated a spurious warning about a something not knowing about some of its parts.
  3. If a demo was being created when ToonTalk crashed (or was ended via the Task Manager) then the demo was unplayable. It is fixed the next time ToonTalk is run. This demo can be very helpful in tracking down bugs.
  4. Updated three demos in the US, UK, SE, and PT versions of ToonTalk.
  5. Released 3.110


  1. Fixed another bug displaying text or number pads that were very large (more than 50,000 pixels in one dimension).


  1. Fixed a bug introduced several months ago that prevented you from dropping a nest on a nest to merge them into one (where each bird flies to the combined nest).
  2. Fixed a bug caused by unbamming (via F11) the merging of two nests.
  3. Fixed a bug saving a city (or a time travel segment boundary) when not on the floor. The problem was that when loaded the tools were at the default setting (Bigger for Pumpy, Suck for Dusty, and Copy for Maggie) regardless of what they were when saved.
  4. Fixed a time travel replay problem that caused minor replay problems at the boundaries between segments.
  5. Fixed a problem replaying time travel or demos where a frame took over 1 second to execute.
  6. Repeated use of Maggie the Magic Wand without waiting for the copying animation to complete caused the wand and hand to drift up or down. (This is a rewrite and more general version of the similar bug fixed on 13/9.)
  7. Fixed a bug caused by displaying numbers wider than the screen. (Probably this was an asymptomatic bug where incorrect parameters to the Windows API were ignored.)
  8. Released 3.111


  1. Updated ukver22.dll and usver22.dll (and on 23/9 ptver22.dll as well) so that when Marty speak a sentence like "type '-' to change it" the minus is now pronounced because he says "type '-' (minus) to change it". The Portuguese version uses "menos". Part of the 3.111 full installer.


  1. If you were holding a box from the middle and typed a digit to break the box then the remaining box may be far from your hand (but still held). It now adjusts so you are holding it on the edge.
  2. When replaying time travel archives ToonTalk performs a significant optimization when replaying successive segments. This optimization doesn't apply if the next segment was recorded by rewinding back and re-recording. ToonTalk now uses the optimal playback when a segment boundary was due to re-recording but was subsequently recorded over by going back further in time.
  3. With the introduction in mid-June of arrow key editing of numbers (and text pads) a bug was introduced where ToonTalk crashes if you save a zero-character text pad (created by rubbing out a single character), restore it, and then type to it.


  1. If a robot is holding a box types a digit to break the box then the remaining box may be far from its hand (but still held).
  2. Some animations were left in an inconsistent state when you stand up. In particular, a bird may be adding things to her nest and if you stand up, the bird may freeze or stop restoring the nest after removing the stack to put something on the bottom.
  3. Fixed yet another bug involving the display of objects that are more than 256 times larger than their normal or good size.
  4. If you pressed control-c while holding the wand and then pressed control-v you would see two wands until you dropped them. It was even more confusing if you typed control-c after the wand had copied something but before it was dropped. Similar (but not quite as confusing) things happened if you typed control-c and control-v while holding Dusty, Pumpy, or Tooly.
  5. Restored the functionality of the undocumented command line feature "-allow_multiple_toontalks 1" which allows you to run more than one ToonTalk at a time. Mostly useful for testing long-distance birds on a single machine.


  1. If you were on the ground outside and typed control-c followed by control-v then you saw a text pad with the XML encoding for the city. The control-v is now ignored if the encoding of a city is on the clipboard.
  2. If the DefaultUser is to a non-existent directory then ToonTalk now checks if the files are instead in the Users folder of the ToonTalk installation directory.
  3. The WebLabs ToonTalk FTP publishing tool now looks in the Windows directory for tt_ftp.ini if it can't find it in the My Documents\ToonTalk folder and copies it over if needed.
  4. Released 3.112 and Beta 45. Only difference is that Beta 45 expires 75 days after installation.


  1. Fixed a problem with trial and beta versions not expiring after a fixed number of days after installation.


  1. Fixed a problem introduced on 16/9 that caused the narration and subtitles of demos to occur at the wrong time.
  2. Added error handling for dealing with failure to write files (possibly due to a full device or folder protection).
  3. Sometimes when you click on the Record button in time travel, ToonTalk freezes for a couple minutes (as the archive is copied and updated). The mouse cursor no longer disappears and it shows an hour glass now.
  4. Sometimes (e.g. when loading a complex city) ToonTalk appears to freeze when starting (and in some cases the screen is black for a few seconds). A message saying that ToonTalk is loading and to wait now appears on the screen.
  5. Released 3.113. (And a modified version of Beta 45 called 45b which differs only in that it includes the latest (and safest) version of Microsoft's gdiplus.dll and it expires in 75 days not 60.)


  1. Typing control-v while the clipboard holds the XML of a saved city, switches to that city. Note that you can save a city while outside by typing control-c (if on the ground your hand must be empty).
  2. You can once again type control-v while the clipboard holds the XML of a saved house to create a copy of the house near where you are standing. Note you can save a house to the clipboard by typing control-c while standing in the house.
  3. Made further improvements to the error handling when ToonTalk is unable to write files.
  4. Introduced the DoNotWarnAboutInabilityToWriteUserFiles toontalk.ini Switch.
  5. Fixed a bug introduced on 26/9 that caused large numbers (hundreds of digits) to get the wrong size and position.


  1. Fixed a problem introduced on 26/9 that caused very large rectangles and ovals to display at the wrong size.
  2. Fixed a problem where number and text pads when seen from the helicopter sometimes display parts too large.
  3. Made further improvements to the error handling when ToonTalk is unable to write files.
  4. Sometimes Bammer would come out when a robot with an attached tool (common in some of the puzzles) was dropped on something resulting in a crash.
  5. If UserFiles is set, then ToonTalk no longer writes crash reports or temporary files to the default ToonTalk subfolder of My Documents.
  6. Released 3.114.


  1. If you train a robot to copy something in Tooly using Maggie the Magic Wand (rather than just picking it up) then the animation of the robot showed the thing copied by the wand attached far from the end of the wand.
  2. If you saved or put the main notebook on the clipboard then if you loaded it into a different user name (or a different computer) then any user-defined notebooks in the main notebook became empty.
  3. If you dropped a box with a nest in it just after a bird dropped something into the nest then sometimes the box acted like it was dropped on the thing that the bird dropped. For example, if the bird is dropping the number 2 and the box has more than 2 holes then it'll break after 2 holes because it was (mistakenly interpreted as having been) dropped on the 2.
  4. Updated the FTP Publishing Tool to give better error messages when there are problems with the tt_ftp.ini file.
  5. Flipping over a picture with pictures that have pictures on top and some robots running on the back caused things to be displayed strangely (sometimes things became invisible or flickered).
  6. Released 3.115.


  1. Fixed a problem where it is possible to set a robot that is to be retrained to allow only 0 steps and hence is untrainable.
  2. If a robot is being retrained and exits in the middle of using of a tool, the robot may be in a state where ToonTalk crashes when the robot is saved.
  3. If you retrained a robot and Marty appeared to explain about training robots and you didn't move the mouse then Marty sometimes appeared and disappeared a few times while saying good bye.
  4. Under special circumstances with numbers being added and removed from a nest, ToonTalk could crash while displaying an uncovered number.
  5. Made several small improvements to some image files. Some are smaller and look as good. Others look better without being bigger. Available only via full or beta version installer.
  6. Released 3.116.


  1. Sometimes if a robot on the floor where the programmer is drops something on top of a stack of things on a nest and a bird has removed the stack to put something on the bottom, then the robot drops the item on the floor rather than on the top item of the stack.
  2. If you changed the screen resolution of ToonTalk and then logged in as the same user, sometimes things in notebooks open on the floor were the wrong size until the page is flipped (and flipped back). This seems to only have happened if the thing has parts that are outside its bounding box (e.g. robots and their thought bubble or trucks and their cargo).
  3. If you changed the screen resolution of ToonTalk and then logged in as the same user with time travel enabled, then occasionally old segments didn't replay perfectly well. Now the old screen resolution is used to avoid this problem.
  4. If you changed the screen resolution of ToonTalk and then logged in as the same user then moved on the floor to where the walls are visible they were displayed with the wrong size.
  5. Improved and shortened the wording of the warning to wait while things are loading.
  6. The error handling when unable to write a file (introduced a week earlier) sometimes produced a spurious warning when all was well.
  7. The DirectDraw error "The previous blit operation that is transferring information to or from this surface is incomplete." no longer causes an abnormal termination.


  1. If you turned Maggie the Magic Wand by pressing the space bar while there was nothing under the tip of the wand (e.g. you missed the target) and the wand is not in "self-copying" mode then the wand wouldn't work until dropped and picked up. Also you now hear a "plop" sound when trying to copying nothing (using the keyboard -- the mouse interface already did this).
  2. If you turned Maggie the Magic Wand by a mouse button (an option available via 'Set Options') while there was nothing under the tip of the wand (e.g. you missed the target) and the wand is not in "self-copying" mode then the wand would drift upwards and it attempted to copy nothing.
  3. Sometimes when jumping between time travel segments you saw the hand and arm displayed separated or overlapping.
  4. Fixed a time travel replay bug that can be caused by copying a bird which has no nest (e.g. in a thought bubble). The problem was that the nest was made by the bird .25 seconds faster than when originally recorded often causing larger problems latter.


  1. Sometimes when exiting ToonTalk, it needs to save various files and this can take a noticeable amount of time. The cursor now turns into a hourglass upon exit.
  2. When Marty describes a non-numeric remote control, he often said the same sentence twice. And he didn't use the new convention that '-' is followed by '(minus)' so it is spoken properly. Also if ToonTalk is customized to treat all mouse buttons the same then the sentence describing how to change these values was missing a phrase.
  3. Fixed a bug introduced many months earlier that caused the "hit or miss" sensors to display as black until the object involved first touches something else. If the sensor wasn't in a box then its size was wrong as a result.


  1. Found additional cases where errors reading or writing files were not handled well.
  2. If a user does not have the file privileges to write to Windows 'Shared Documents' folder (but at least one earlier user did have the ability to write to it) then ToonTalk would crash when displaying the time travel buttons or when user defined pictures or sounds were brought into ToonTalk. Also improved the error handling and advise in dialog screens if this occurs.
  3. If you save a city while pointing to a picture in a notebook (or a time travel segment occurs at such a time) then sometimes when you pick up the picture it becomes the wrong size.
  4. Fixed a bug introduced on 7/15 that caused the 'hit or miss' sensors when directly on the floor to move around when changing state.
  5. Released 3.117.


  1. When a number is dropped on an erased text pad the text pad displays the number. If the number was displayed with shrinking digits, then the coercion to a text pad resulted in an approximation (where the number of decimal places depended upon the size of the number pad). The text pad now displays the equivalent fractional value. The old behavior can be obtained by setting NumberToTextConversionIsExact to 0.
  2. Since December some warnings end up repeated many times in the user log file. Such as the warning that very large numbers can cause ToonTalk to freeze briefly.
  3. If an empty file (0 bytes) is put on the clipboard then ToonTalk sometimes generated spurious warnings in the user log file.


  1. Improved the way Marty described how to modify the mouse buttons using the shift and control buttons. (Only needed if ToonTalk is customized via 'Set Options' so that all mouse buttons are treated the same.) Applies to the US, UK, PT, and SE versions of ToonTalk.
  2. Localized the warnings produced when ToonTalk fails to read or write files to Swedish (thanks Lennart) and Portuguese (thanks Leonel).
  3. Spurious warnings were generated loading a city where a large team of robots (at least three or four robots) were working when it was saved.
  4. Fixed a problem where very large text pads (those with over 64K letters) were sometimes displayed with a 0 width (i.e. invisible).
  5. Released 3.118.


  1. Sometimes when a city was loaded with active collision sensors they didn't show the correct state. Can also happen when time travelling.
  2. When replaying a time travel archive where pictures are moving due to have non-zero x or y speed sensor values then the replay wasn't an accurate reproduction of the original movements.
  3. If a city was saved while leaving the training of a thought bubble (or time travel segment boundary) then sometimes some tool's buttons become very large when restored.


  1. Fixed another bug where when replaying a time travel archive where pictures are moving due to have non-zero x or y speed sensor values then the replay wasn't an accurate reproduction of the original movements.
  2. Fixed a problem replaying time travel archives if any single frame (cycle) takes more than 1 second. (Pretty rare.)
  3. If a tool (e.g. Maggie the Magic Wand) was used on a picture that is moving because it has a speed (x or y speed sensor is not zero) then the picture's speeds were set to zero.


  1. Fixed yet another bug where when replaying a time travel archive where pictures are moving due to have non-zero x or y speed sensor values then the replay wasn't an accurate reproduction of the original movements. This one only occurred if the pictures were on top of another picture.
  2. Fixed a bug where if a city was saved (or while time travelling) while a picture was flipped over, then when restored the notebook of remote controls can have the wrong initial value (e.g. the looks sensor can be for the wrong side).


  1. Fixed a problem where if Marty is in speaking only mode (no talk balloons or subtitles) and you press F7 while he is talking then sometimes he gets confused and won't leave when you press F1.
  2. Fixed a bug introduced on 5/5 where restoring a city where a text or number pad has been flipped over and its remote looks removed, that when restored ToonTalk occasionally crashed.
  3. If you were holding a text or number pad and near something with a collision sensor then sometimes you got a ghost of the thing in your hand and it wouldn't move correctly.
  4. Released 3.119


  1. Fixed a problem introduced two weeks earlier that sometimes caused old demos and time travel archive to not replay correctly.
  2. If you pressed a function key while pointing to something in a stack (e.g. in Tooly) then an item from the stack grew to a good size.
  3. If while training a robot you pressed any keyboard button while pointing to something in Tooly, then the robot's training was confused and Marty gave a warning.
  4. If you saved a city while a robot was holding a box with 0 or more than 1 hole then when restored the box was the wrong size. Happened during time travel as well.
  5. Found a minor performance bug and memory leak involving loading in something being held by a robot.
  6. Released 3.120.


  1. The time travel replay bug fixed on 16/10 broke some older demos.
  2. The toontalk.ini Switch ExitWhenDemoEnds was ignored when replaying someone's time travel demo. Also you now can set this option via -exit_at_end_of_demo on the command line as well.
  3. If ToonTalk encounters a problem (without crashing) then depending upon the type of user (set by 'Set Options'), ToonTalk now zips up the files that would be useful in tracking down the problem and encourages the user to send it to support@toontalk.com.
  4. Fixed a problem where sometimes when standing a robot floats above the box he's working on. And then when you sit again it sometimes in under and sometimes over. And it was sometimes different during recording and replaying of a demo or during time travel.
  5. If you typed some text to a text pad or a label and then used the arrow keys (available since 11/6) to move the insertion point to the very beginning and typed something then sometimes nonsense resulted.
  6. If you save a city while entering or leaving a thought bubble and the tools are inside of Tooly, then when that city is restored and you leave the thought bubble the tools are in their default state rather than the state that they were in before entering the thought bubble. This broke some time travel archives. The fix only applies to time travel archives made in 3.121 or later.
  7. ToonTalk crashed when saving some user media when it wasn't able to write a file. Additional error checking was added.
  8. Released 3.121.


  1. Made small improvements to the displaying of shrinking decimals.
  2. Fixed a performance bug in loading user images.


  1. Fixed a problem where the user pictures and sounds weren't always included in time travel archives.
  2. Numbers that are tall and wide when they changed value (but not the number of digits) would grow slightly each time.
  3. Made more small improvements to the displaying of shrinking decimals.


  1. If you dropped an operation of a long number (that is partly off screen) and the result is shorter (e.g. dividing a large number by itself to produce 1) then the result was sometimes off screen.
  2. Fixed a problem with the display of decimals that have a non-zero integer part, are negative, and the fraction part is a shrinking decimal.
  3. Fixed a problem with the display of decimals that have hundreds of digits for the integer part and the fraction part is a shrinking decimal.


  1. Made more small improvements to the displaying of shrinking decimals.
  2. If a tool (e.g. Dusty or Tooly) settles down underneath another object that is very large then it flickered for a while.


  1. Fixed a bug where sometimes a robot used the wrong notebook. (Could only happen when a saved city was loaded in.)
  2. If a robot was working and you grabbed his box sometimes he would end up confused and Marty would say give a misleading explanation. A confused robot stayed confused until you picked him up and dropped him.
  3. Marty sometimes referred to a robot in front of you as a robot in another house.
  4. When Marty is in the mode with speaking and subtitles then sometimes the subtitle would stay up until the next time Marty had something to say.
  5. Added an undocumented feature that saves a city when a demo ends. This is useful for creating automatic tests of new ToonTalk releases.
  6. If ToonTalk exited abnormally during time travel then the next time that user runs, ToonTalk tries to replay the last segment. If something goes wrong with the replay then sometimes ToonTalk would exit prematurely.
  7. If you picked up a number, typed to it, and pressed F1 then Marty would describe the number as it was prior to being typed to.
  8. If you are holding a shrinking decimal then Marty would suggest you type backspace to edit it when you can't edit these numbers (since they are infinitely long).
  9. If you are holding a negative number then Marty suggested you can make it positive to subtract it from another number. (True but very confusing.)
  10. If you are holding zero then Marty no longer suggests you might want to divide it into another number.
  11. If you are holding a shrinking decimal then Marty would sometimes show and speak as if it were a fraction  and at other times as an exact decimal (typically with nearly 100 digits). Now he always refers to it as a fraction.
  12. Sometimes things would go wrong when Marty tried to talk about negative fractions.
  13. If a city was saved (or a time travel segment boundary occurred) while a robot was in the middle of typing something to an object then sometimes the previous typing was ignored.
  14. The 'Set Options' dialog screen for choosing a voice for Marty didn't show all the available choices. And it now displays the mode name and speaker name since some manufacturers of speech engines use one as a unique friendly name and others use the other.


  1. If a robot has an empty nest in his thought bubble and he is given a box with an empty nest in the corresponding location he'll accept the box. But if the box given to him also contains an empty nest that matches some other object then the robot waits for something to arrive. If in the meanwhile something arrives on the first nest causing the robot to no longer match he didn't notice until you gave him the box over again (or if he was on the back of a picture if you dropped the picture).
  2. If a number is edited, then it becomes the new number when dropped or when you move your hand away from the number. It now also becomes the new number if other things happen to it such as a robot dropping something on top.
  3. If you gave a robot a box with a sensor for the looks of a picture that is showing the front of the picture and the picture is flipped then it would not match an identical picture in the robot's thought bubble.
  4. Fixed a problem where a robot that matches against a sensor or empty nest and then waits because it encounters an empty nest where it expected a value then that robot may have run twice when it finally does match.


  1. Made more small improvements to the displaying of shrinking decimals.


  1. Fixed a performance bug when shrinking decimals were in a box.


  1. Updated the FTP publishing tool to cache the user's FTP (or WebLabs) user name and password during the length of a ToonTalk session.
  2. The FTP publishing tool now puts up the information screen that it may take a while to upload the file before connecting to the FTP server. (It used to do it just before transferring the file itself.)
  3. Introduced a new number display feature where numbers that have too many digits to display in the space they have use a scheme where the digits shrink and then grow. Thanks to Ana Isabel Sacristan for the suggestion. This feature can be turned off using the OKToDisplayNumbersShrinkingAndGrowing toontalk.ini switch. This also displays fractions vertically. Note that this feature is only available in releases ending with X, or beta 46 or ToonTalk 3 or higher.
  4. Released 3.122X (X for experimental).


  1. On 21/10 added a feature where ToonTalk creates a zip archive of files useful for debugging ToonTalk problems. This was triggered incorrectly if the problem was that time travel was taking too long to save cities. (And on 081104 also fixed the same problem for numbers so large that they took too long and when a number was too large to compute the digits needed -- about 6 million digits).
  2. If a number is very large and part of it was left of the screen then the last digit sometimes was displayed a bit beyond the edge of the number. (This fix was copied to the non-experimental version on 8/11.)
  3. Made further improvements to the display of numbers in the experimental versions.
  4. Released 3.123 (non-experimental version -- note there was no 3.122 non-experimental version).


  1. The experimental releases now display a zero before a decimal when appropriate. E.g. 0.5 rather than .5.
  2. Made further improvements to the new way of displaying numbers. (Experimental version only.)
  3. If a robot was holding a magic wand and has copied something and was stopped, then the wand became stuck to his feet.


  1. Made many further improvements to the new way of displaying numbers. (Experimental version only.)
  2. Something sensible now happens if you pick up a number and type multiple operators. E.g. 2-- now becomes 2 and 2-* becomes *-2.
  3. Fixed a bug where the operator was ignored if you typed it to a number that displays as an integer followed by a fraction.


  1. Made further improvements to the new way of displaying numbers. (Experimental version only.)


  1. Marty and text-to-speech sounds can now read any number up to 10 to the 3003 power. (By 9/11 the limit is 10 to the 30000000 power.) This works around a limitation in all tested text-to-speech engines that could not deal with numbers with a few hundred digits. (Experimental version only.)
  2. Furthermore when a number or string is dropped on a text-to-speech sound it is converted to words.
  3. Made further improvements to the new way of displaying numbers. (Experimental version only.)
  4. For many months the ability to type to or drop text pads or number pads on text-to-speech sounds was accidentally disabled.
  5. When a text or number pad was dropped on an erased text pad, the pad would sometimes end up off screen if it became shorter it was partly off the left side. Its center now stays stable.
  6. If a city was saved while holding a number pad that has been edited it displayed incorrectly until it was dropped.


  1. Made further improvements to the new way of displaying numbers. (Experimental version only.)
  2. On 21/10 added a feature where ToonTalk creates a zip archive of files useful for debugging ToonTalk problems. This was triggered incorrectly if the problem was that numbers were so large that they took too long and when a number was too large to compute the digits needed -- about 6 million digits -- limit raised to about 12 million digits on 9/11).
  3. If a number is very large and part of it was left of the screen then the last digit sometimes was displayed a bit beyond the edge of the number.


  1. Made further improvements to the new way of displaying numbers. (Experimental version only.)
  2. Made further improvements in the ability to speak numbers.
  3. Fixed a bug where typing an operation to a floating point number (the gray numbers produced by taking roots, logarithms, or trigonometric functions) produced a malfunctioning operation.
  4. Made improvements to how ToonTalk displays number or text pads with millions of digits. But some problems still remain that cause the pad to be blank.
  5. If ToonTalk is unable to write to the Shared Documents Folder and the toontalk.ini MediaDir option is not set, then ToonTalk now creates a folder in the ToonTalk directory under My Documents.
  6. Released 3.124 and 3.124X.


  1. Fixed a problem introduced in February that prevented birds from accepting non-numeric sensors directly (in a box worked fine). Also you couldn't drop such a sensor on a nest directly.
  2. Fixed a similar bug (also from February) that prevented you from dropping a copy of the magic wand on a fresh untrained robot to give him the tool as an initial tool. (Used in creating puzzles mostly.)
  3. Some non-numeric sensors can be coerced to a number by dropping them on an erased number pad. (E.g. addresses or "enumeration" types.) This has been broken since June.
  4. Fixed a problem where adding two sensors for the address of a house resulted in a blank (and black) sensor.
  5. Sometimes when Marty is speaking and showing subtitles and a multi-line subtitle was displayed followed by one with fewer lines then the older subtitle was partially still displayed.
  6. You can only drop a box on an erased notebook (so each item in the box ends up a different page). ToonTalk no longer gives incorrect wiggle feedback if you hold something else over an erased notebook.
  7. You also got incorrect wiggle feedback if you held a box over a picture.
  8. And if you held something other than a text or number pad over a text pad.
  9. If a robot with a tool (e.g. the robots with the magic wand in the puzzle game) are trained to leave things on the floor to be vacuumed up then when running the robot after vacuuming tries to pick up the wand and could get confused.
  10. Fixed a bug caused by grabbing something from a robot less than a second before the robot is about to vacuum the thing up.
  11. Fixed a problem caused by calling for a tool with a function (F2, F3, or F5) while sitting down or entering a thought bubble before the tool has emerged from Tooly.
  12. If a text or number pad is wider or taller than 64K pixels then it was sometimes incorrectly displayed off screen. Also there is no longer a warning about this in the user's log file.


  1. If something is wider or taller than the screen, picked up, and then typed to so that its size changes it sometimes moved from the hand. For very large things it moved way off screen.
  2. If something was taller than the screen but not also wider than the screen, picked up, and then the city saved then when restored you weren't holding it in the same place.
  3. The text pad in the sensor notebook opposite the text-to-speech sensor was replaced by a text-to-speech sound. Besides the change in color of the pad, this make it much easier to get a text-to-speech sound to edit or extend. (The old way of dropping text on the text-to-speech sensor, vacuuming it off, and spitting it out again still works as well.)
  4. ToonTalk would display variable width font text pads that are very wide incorrectly or when very long not at all. To work around this all text pads with more than 64K characters in a line are displayed with a fixed width font.
  5. When a sound was copied with Maggie the Magic Wand it sometimes had the wrong size and font size.
  6. If a text-to-speech sound or Marty attempted to say something with a thousand or more characters then there was a long (sometimes very long) pause before the speaking began. If ToonTalk was paused or stopped while some very long text was being said, there was sometimes a long pause in processing the command. Fixing these problems introduced a short pause (about a second) every 20 seconds or so of speech.


  1. The text pad opposite the mathematics notebook in English says "Numbers and Functions" -- it now starts a second line after the "and" to look better.
  2. Made more improvements to how fractions and shrinking decimals are displayed. (Experimental version only.)


  1. If the toontalk.ini Switch OKToDisplayNumbersShrinkingAndGrowing was set to 0 then a little of the new number display code was run.
  2. Improved the appearance of numbers when "good size". (Experimental version only.)
  3. Numeric sensors that need more than four digits since August 2003 display with extra initial white space when their value falls back to four digits or less. This rarely looked better and often was confusing. Disabled in experimental version.
  4. If you press the Pause button while in the puzzle game the dialog now includes the option of skipping the current puzzle. (Experimental version only.)
  5. Released Beta 46, 3.125, and 3.125X. (3.125X and Beta 46 differ only in that the beta version expires after 75 days.)


  1. Fixed some recently introduced problems displaying numbers. (Experimental version only.)
  2. Added a "Skip this Puzzle" button to the puzzle game. (Experimental version only and requires full installer.)


  1. Saving a city the included a nest that a robot had waited upon and then run and then the nest moved and the house where nest was is blown up crashed ToonTalk.


  1. Fixed a bug in the implementation of a long-distance bird that was given something and the nest can't be reached then sometimes it caused a stack overflow much later. Note that this includes "accidental" long-distance birds that were saved without their nest and then given something.

  2. Fixed another bug in the new number display code. (Experimental version only.)


  1. Fixed another bug in the new number display code. (Experimental version only.)

  2. If a number was edited to something that is syntactically incorrect and it ended in an operation then the original number was restored but the operation was kept.

  3. Sometimes Marty describing a rational number caused a crash.

  4. If you pasted the same file into ToonTalk more than once you saw a confusing dialog screen warning about the inability to write a file.


  1. Sometimes a robot with other robots behind it in the team that had been trained to type something ended up typing things later than it should. This could cause it to type to the wrong object.

  2. Sometimes giving an untrained robot with a box with a flipped picture in it led to the robot being trained on an unflipped copy of the picture.


  1. If the remote control for the looks of a picture with a bird/nest pair on the back was dropped on an erased picture the resulting picture had the bird/nest pair connected with the original bird and nest rather than becoming a new pair.


  1. If a robot was matching against something on a nest and a bird had removed the stack and was in process of returning the stack then sometimes the robot kept waiting even when the bird restored the stack.

  2. Dropping a text pad on a notebook sometimes caused a crash.

  3. Sometimes a robot running off-screen that computed a number using the horizontal or vertical location sensor for a picture ended up with a floating number (grey with a couple dozen digits after the decimal point).

  4. Fixed a problem with the new "Skip this puzzle" button introduced on the 15th.

  5. Released 3.126 and 3.126X.


  1. Fixed a bug that can cause a crash or strange behavior if Marty is describing a number with several thousand digits or more.

  2. Improved the way Marty describes large numbers (those with more than 13 digits).

  3. When you vacuum the Touching Who? sensor, you once again see the sensor switch to the next item being touched (if there is more than). Broken for years. Enables programs that can deal intelligently with multiple collisions.


  1. If you copied a flipped picture then the geometry of the label on the back was wrong.

  2. If you saved an extremely large number (e.g. 10 to 10,000,000 in base 32) then when loading ToonTalk crashed. ToonTalk recovers from the error but the value of such numbers are lost. A warning is also produced.

  3. If the same user name saved something with user media and then saved something else the latter often included extra unneeded media files thereby wasting disk space.

  4. Improved the warnings produced when a non-XML ToonTalk file is loaded.

  5. If you set the option for Marty's talk level to a value greater than 128, it sometimes became negative and Marty talked even more than usual.

  6. Released 3.127 and 3.127X.


  1. Fixed a bug where text pads had a strange size when taken from Tooly or a Notebook if the source wasn't a "good size".

  2. Very large numbers (over 100,000 digits and pretty tall) on the floor or ground took many seconds to display. (New experimental version only.)

  3. Fixed a bug where sometimes very large numbers (over 1,000,000 digits and pretty tall) displayed as blank. (New experimental version only.)

  4. Fixed a bug displaying a shrinking then growing number where the left half was off screen and the right half had giant digits. (New experimental version only.)

  5. Fixed a problem where the new experimental number display displayed spaces in numeric sensors differently when running old demos sometimes causing them to break.

  6. Fixed a problem introduced on 3 weeks ago that caused number pads on the floor to sometimes have a strange size when their value changed.

  7. Pressing F8 while running a demo exited the demo rather than gave over control if ExitWhenDemoEnds was set to 1.

  8. Fixed some problems with the new (experimental version only) button for skipping a puzzle.


  1. Fixed a problem displaying one of the buttons in the Publish dialog (WebLabs version only) where on some systems the text didn't fit in the button.

  2. Added error handling if the installer can't copy files (due to file protection or disk full or the like).

  3. Fixed several problems caused when a bird is returning to the back of a picture or to a house that no longer exists.

  4. Fixed a problem when a bird is returning to a box and there no longer is the hole it came from.

  5. Fixed several problems displaying operations that included numbers displayed as fractions. (New experimental version only.)

  6. Fixed a problem displaying fractions while they are being edited by the keyboard. (New experimental version only.)

  7. If a robot has been trained to drop a box on the back of a picture then the box will fall on the first free robot if there is one on the back. (This enables robots to construct behaviors on the back of pictures. If this isn't desired then the robot should be trained to drop boxes and then robots.)

  8. While training a robot can no longer activate a picture so robots run on the back though when run that may indeed happen.

  9. A sensor in a robot's thought bubble was sometimes activated unnecessarily.

  10. The FTP publishing tool now tries to find its tt_ftp.ini file in the ToonTalk installation directory if it can't find it in My Documents\ToonTalk or the windows directory.

  11. If you logged in with a user name that hadn't been used for a long time then sometimes you'd get a dialog asking if you want Marty to treat you as a new user. This was confusing and occasionally you got asked twice. No longer asked.


  1. Fixed a problem where sometimes if Marty had too much to say there was an error.

  2. Fixed several problems with pictures glued to the floor where you could vacuum them up and bam things on top. Broken since early in the year. Also made it easier to type control-s or control-g to toggle the infinite stack or graspable status.

  3. If the installation does not provide GIF files of the built-in imagery in the Java folder of the ToonTalk installation then ToonTalk now generates them as needed to make applets. Also the palette is now optimized for the image so it'll look better unless run with Windows in 256-color mode. Saves about 15MB on the user's disk and installation disk.

  4. Fixed a bug introduced on 20/8 that was asymptomatic on Windows 2000 and XP but crashed on start up with Windows Millennium (and probably 98 as well).

  5. Fixed a problem where if a robot on the back of a picture that was on the back of another picture loads up a truck with a box with sensors then the sensors had wrong allegiance.

  6. Released 3.128 and 3.128X.


  1. Fixed a problem where numbers have a very small space (only for a few digits) where the font and display weren't very good. (Experimental version only.)

  2. If you flipped a picture with flipped pictures on the back then sometimes the labels of the subpictures were the wrong font and the picture of the other side was the wrong width.


  1. When you drop a team of robots on an erased box you get one robot per hole. Sometimes the robots were copied and parts of the team were together in the holes.


  1. It was possible to save and restore a robot with a nest in its thought bubble box that would cause stack overflows. (I tried to hard to reproduce this and couldn't so I ensured that when saved it will load OK.)

  2. If some long-distance birds are trying to deliver something and you are holding the nest and then stand up, you ended up with frozen ungraspable flying birds on the floor.

  3. Somehow a bomb exploded without knowing where it was. Not clear how this arose but it no longer crashes if this happens.

  4. If a user media file is missing you still get a warning in the log file but it is no longer marked as a ToonTalk bug that should be reported.

  5. It was possible to have ToonTalk running in UK English but speaking US English (not just using a US English voice but using a different string table) that led to a crash when Marty said something (probably that was quite different in the two versions). Also fixed the same problem if running US English and speaking UK English.

  6. Sometimes editing a fraction displayed poorly. (Experimental version only.)

  7. If you edited a fraction while it was attached to the Magic Wand it displayed incorrectly.  (Experimental version only.)

  8. If OKToDisplayNumbersShrinkingAndGrowing was set to 0 then the Good Size of fractions (e.g. Pumpy in 'G' mode) was wrong in the experimental version.

  9. If you typed multiple arithmetic operations at the end of a number once again the last one is used (since 6/11 the first one was used). E.g. 2/* will multiply by 2 not divide.

  10. If you took the width or height sensors of a picture to another house or put them on the ground they produced strange numbers and sizes.

  11. If you vacuumed up Tooly, stood up, and saved your city then ToonTalk crashed when restoring that city.

  12. Pumpy sometimes let you pump things so big that they didn't display properly.

  13. If a robot was trained to change the mode of the Magic Wand multiple times while in the Puzzle Game then it didn't run correctly when you stood up and watched it.

  14. Released 3.129 and 3.129X.


  1. Glued items and infinite stacks on the floor are now below Tooly and others. Previously if you had a large picture glued to the floor then Tooly could end up under it.

  2. Fixed a problem where a nest was copied, a bird given something and then the nest copy was destroyed or vacuumed.

  3. Fixed some problems with birds moving the stack on a nest while a robot was working on it as well.

  4. Fixed a problem introduced with 3.129 concerning width and height sensors in some circumstances (one was while being copied they didn't work right).


  1. Fixed a bug where roof and house decoration sensor stopped working properly if you stood up.

  2. Fixed a bug where sometimes the object dropped on the roof and house decoration sensor ended up with the wrong dimensions on the house.

  3. Fixed a bug where if you sat on the grass and moved your hand enough that the camera needed to move then objects on the ground moved.

  4. Sometimes pictures (rectangular or SHOW ALL) were displayed with a thin black line above them.

  5. Released 3.130 and 3.130X.


  1. Immediately after training a robot his name was displayed at the wrong place. Fixed some (but not all) other occurrences of a robot's name being displayed in the "wrong" place.

  2. Fixed a problem where dropping a number on a single letter text pad changed its size in an inappropriate manner. Bug introduced on 24/9.


  1. The fix of the size of a text pad after a number was dropped on it required a different fix to the problem on 24/9 of coping and pasting a zero-length text pad that is not inside something.

  2. Fixed many instances of where a object became a different size when manipulated that occurred only if Tooly was not himself a Good Size.

  3. If a robot dropped a nest on a nest while it was off screen it would sometimes leave a copy of the dropped nest on the floor.

  4. If a robot was trained to drop a nest with an egg in it on another nest then sometimes when it ran it would get confused.

  5. The fix of 11/12 introduced a bug where if you gave a bird something whose nest had been copied and then removed a copy of the bird delivered the message but a copy of the message was created and left on top of where the bird was.

  6. Many very frequent mouse clicks to use Maggie the Wand sometimes crashed ToonTalk.

  7. The fix of 10/12 to deal with speaking and displaying different English dialects caused a spurious warning about a missing puzzle file.

  8. An untrained robot now animates to indicate it is waiting to be trained and so its appearance is different from trained robots whose box has been sucked out and erase trained robots.

  9. If 1280x1024 was chosen as the resolution ToonTalk instead ran at 1280x960 (or tried to -- if in full-screen mode DirectX refused to switch to that resolution you got a message to try again at a lower resolution). (It is strange that all the other standard resolutions are 4x3 except this one.)

  10. Modified the main ToonTalk executable to run off a CD-ROM (it uses the location of the executable as an indication where the ToonTalk files are kept).


  1. The UK English version now has a different splash screen and a different location for the version information and copyright notice.

  2. If you train a robot to break the main box into parts and then get rid of the one labeled "My Box", ToonTalk now picks one of the other pieces as the new box this team of robots is working on.

  3. Erased pictures and boxes in a thought bubble no longer keep their parts or contents (for recreation by Maggie the Magic Wand in 'O' mode).

  4. Fixed a bug caused by giving a robot a box with an infinite recursion -- e.g. a picture containing box containing the remote looks of the picture.

  5. Modified the Start ToonTalk executable to enable running ToonTalk off a CD-ROM without installation.

  6. When replaying a demo the user profile file (USR) for that user was updated needlessly.


  1. Fixed a problem with the switching of "My Box" implemented yesterday if a city was saved (or a time travel segment boundary) while training a robot.

  2. Released 3.131 and 3.131X.


  1. Fixed a bug introduced on 29/7 where if a robot is trained to vacuum something off a remote control then he remembered it as vacuuming off the FIRST remote control in the box.

  2. If you drop a file name on the the "File to Picture" sensor (renamed "File to Object on 19/12) then for many months the file is turned into a ToonTalk object even if it isn't a picture. Works well with TT files. Changed today to also work with URLs not just local file names.

  3. If you type control-shift-v while the clipboard has text that is a file name or URL then the file (not the text) is pasted into ToonTalk.


  1. Fixed a few bugs that prevented old demos from running in the latest version correctly.

  2. Fixed a problem with demos and time travel that used the new control-shift-v feature to paste in files.

  3. Fixed a problem with demos and time travel when a file without an extension is pasted in.

  4. Fixed a bug where a very large object is shrunk by Pumpy and it sometimes suddenly moved off screen.

  5. If the ToonTalk FTP publishing tool can't find it INI customization file it now also looks in the UserFiles folder is specified in toontalk.ini.

  6. Sometimes when pasting text (or a file containing text) the log file contained spurious warnings about problems parsing XML.


  1. ToonTalk no longer creates a ToonTalk folder under My Documents if it is started with a toontalk.ini file that gives another location for UserFiles. Also crash reports end up a subfolder of UserFiles if specified.

  2. Updated the ClickMe.exe that is once again run from the ToonTalk CD-ROM as the AutoPlay executable. It gives the user the choice of installing or running ToonTalk off the CD-ROM.

  3. When running off the CD-ROM without installation the user is asked where user files should be kept.

  4. Various Directories entries in toontalk.ini can now be specified as ?\Foo where ? is replaced by the path to the ToonTalk executable. This enables ToonTalk to be run off of removable media (e.g. a memory key or a CD/RW disk) without installation.

  5. Released 3.132 and 3.132X.


  1. Since the release of 3.119 ToonTalk can crash if during time travel you pause and 'Come Back Later' while mouse speed sensors are active.

  2. If a robot is trained to destroy a notebook, the comment of the notebook (if it has one) was destroyed twice.

  3. Released 3.133 and 3.133X.


  1. Fixed a bug where user pictures with transparent areas were replaced with black if the pictures were copied and then saved without ever being displayed. E.g. by dropping a box of them on an erased notebook.

  2. Fixed a minor problem where some demos initialized the contents of Tooly the Toolbox twice.


  1. Sometimes if a tool such as Dusty the Vacuum jumps into your hand after being called then his selection point isn't at his mouth.

  2. Improved the error messages when a demo or time travel doesn't replay correctly.


  1. You can now drag and drop a link from a browser (Internet Explorer and Netscape tested) into ToonTalk. Experimental version only.

  2. If you jumped to a segment in time travel where the sensor notebook (on page 4 of your main notebook) had earlier been opened then sometimes the replay broke (due to the non-existence of Clipboard Remote on replay).

  3. If you drag a single file into ToonTalk you no longer get that item in a box.

  4. ToonTalk now deals better with URLs that contain a question mark.


  1. Introduced the KeepRunningDemoDespiteProblems toontalk.ini Switch and the -keep_running_demo_despite_problems command line option so that ToonTalk doesn't quit running a demo or time travel segment when an anomaly is encountered.

  2. Fixed a problem where the new ability to drag and drop a link from a browser didn't create the object at the drop location.

Continued for 2005.

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