Enhancements in ToonTalk Version 3
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ToonTalk version 3 includes these improvements over version 2:
- Arbitrarily large integers and exact rational arithmetic. The size of numbers in ToonTalk 3 is only limited only by the amount of memory available. Numbers with millions of digits are possible. Exact fractional values are also supported. These numbers can be spoken as well. Click here for details.
- Time travel. This is a way to move back and forward in time while using ToonTalk. It provides a new way of replaying some actions, undoing mistakes and making enhanced demos. An experimental implementation of this is in version 2 but there are situations where it didn't work reliably.
- Full 32-bit color. ToonTalk 2 reduces every picture to a palette of 256 colors. You can run ToonTalk 3 at any color depth. Both the built-in artwork and your imported images will look better.
- A new HTML-based interface for all dialogs. The new dialogs look nicer and are more flexible. Perhaps most importantly, administrators (e.g. teachers, parents, museum curators) can add or remove available options using any HTML editor.
- Incorporation of Microsoft Agent into the documentation and dialog screens. Animated help characters who speak will be optionally available to help users with dialog screens and on-line documentation.
- XML-based format for saving and loading ToonTalk objects. For advanced users this provides a way to make global changes to their creations. It will also support the creation of new ToonTalk tools by third parties.
- Automatic packaging of user images and sounds when saving and loading ToonTalk objects. Users can bring pictures and sounds into ToonTalk and easily export games and applications using this media without worry about file names, packaging, or compression.
- Ability to edit text and labels using arrow keys.
- Ability to edit pictures. Users with two clicks run their favorite picture editor on something they are holding in ToonTalk. The edited picture is automatically brought into ToonTalk.
- Full support for tablet PCs and touch screens. Version 3 supports an interface using a tablet or touch panel without using a mouse or other pointing device.
- Plus hundreds of other enhancements. Perhaps as important as the major enhancements listed above are the hundreds of smaller enhancements that make ToonTalk 3 easier to use and learn.
ToonTalk 3 also includes the learning material developed by the European WebLabs Project and games and game components created by the European Playground Project.
A free upgrade is available to those who purchased the US English version of ToonTalk 2. Contact KenKahn for details.
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