Kristina Junger
ToonTalk 2 to Spearhead WebLabs, a New European Educational Research Initiative
Programs award-winning computer programming software ToonTalk 2 leads an expansive
education project to benefit children of all backgrounds
Children will utilize ToonTalk 2 software in the WebLabs project to alter, compose or create new versions of scientific or math-based transparent modules by programming their own simulations, animations or games based on those subjects. The results can then be posted on their own web sites so that others can see how they work and make their own amendments.
WebLabs turns things around by making children the producers and not simply the consumers of multimedia and educational web material, according to Ken Kahn, President and Founder of Animated Programs. In the process, they will achieve a firmer grasp of both scientific and mathematical concepts in addition to the important concepts of computer programming. We consider this invaluable knowledge in the digital age, especially for children who might not have as many opportunities as others.
The United Kingdom, Sweden, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus and Bulgaria will be the first countries participating in WebLabs. Partners in the project also include the University of London's Institute of Education, Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology, and Logotron, UK's leading educational software publisher.
ToonTalk 2 is currently available for Windows at $24.95 and can be ordered online at or by calling 800-317-9830. Versions are also available in Japanese, UK English, Swedish, European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.
--Teaches children computer
programming in a fun and supportive environment.
--Parents and students can learn
computer programming basics.
--Educational skills include puzzle
solving, logic problems and critical thinking.
--Three levels of play including
narrated demonstrations.
--Easy to use and understand.
--Terrific price point at $24.95
--Children can create their own games
and programs and share them with friends.
--Internet enabled and browser
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