Note that ToonTalk will report problems, if the
computer was turned off while ToonTalk was last running or if it was ended by typing
control-alt-delete. It is recommended that you exit ToonTalk by pressing the
"Pause" key or Alt-F4.
If ToonTalk stops suddenly there are several
possibilities. First see if it stops again if you do the same thing.
ToonTalk wasn't installed properly. This is unlikely
if ToonTalk has been working OK previously. Re-installing should be perfectly safe.
ToonTalk ran out of a system resource like memory or
disk space. Make sure your disk isn't completely full. On some computers programs don't
run well if you have less than 10 or 20 megabytes of free disk space for Windows to use.
The files that ToonTalk maintains for a particular
user may have become corrupted. See if ToonTalk functions fine if you log
into ToonTalk with a different
ToonTalk can run either in a full-screen mode or in
a window. See if the problem persists if you change the setting. Click on "Set
Options" after starting ToonTalk to change this.
ToonTalk makes use of
Microsoft's DirectX game extensions to Windows. Be sure you have at
least version 7 of
DirectX and its drivers. You can find out the version you are running by
running DXDiag. More information can be found at
If time travel is
enabled and the city is full of many things then ToonTalk may pause every now
and then for a few seconds.
There may be information about what is causing the
problem in your log file (\My Documents\ToonTalk\Users\<user name>.txt - where "user
name" is replaced by the name you used when starting ToonTalk).
If you see a large white window and it looks like
nothing is working then trying pressing the 'Enter' key since it is most likely that a
buried dialog box is asking a question.
On a few old computers and ToonTalk option settings,
the screen may be black or look like snow or static. Or ToonTalk crashes randomly. If
Windows is running with more than 256 colors try changing it to 256 colors. You can do
this via the Windows Control Panel.