ToonTalk Keyboard commands
You don't have to learn the keyboard commands that follow. You can do most everything with just your mouse. Many of these keyboard commands just give you faster ways to do things.
If you have a joystick that has more than 2 buttons and it is connected to your computer, you can use those extra buttons instead of some the keyboard commands below.
During the opening titles:
Push any button to move to the next screen. 'Esc' will skip over the remaining screens.
During a demo:
If you push any button, ToonTalk will pause and display a choice of leaving, taking over, or returning to the demo. If the demo was created using the time travel feature then you need to press Pause after you see the time travel interface to reach this dialog.
Flying, walking, or on the floor:
Push the four arrow keys to move in any of 8 directions. You can hold them down to keep moving in that direction. You can move on a diagonal by pushing two keys at once.
Push the Pause key to stop ToonTalk and display a choice of leaving, coming back later, or returning to ToonTalk. If you enabled time travel, then the Pause key brings up the time travel interface. Pressing Pause again brings up the choice of leaving, coming back later, or returning to ToonTalk.
Push F8 to turn off the power for all the robots and moving pictures in the whole city. Pushing F8 again turns it back on.
Push Control-F8 to release the mouse and pushing Control-F8 again restores the mouse. This is good for dragging files into ToonTalk and for reshaping the ToonTalk window (assuming ToonTalk is running in a window).
Push Control-F11 to take a snapshot of the screen. You'll find the picture in the \My Documents\ToonTalk\<user name> folder. It is named frame123.bmp where 123 is the frame number when you took the snapshot.
Push Control-F12 to take a snapshot of the screen and save it in the Windows clipboard.
PageDown to make Marty say the next thing.
PageUp to make Marty repeat the last thing.
Pushing F10 will display the following (or hide it
if it is already being displayed):
Push u or U to fly up (higher). Holding down the right mouse button works fine too.
Push d or D to fly down (lower). Holding down the left mouse button also works.
Walking outside:
Push F1, h, or H to bring the helicopter to where you are.
Push any button to sit down.
On the floor or in a thought bubble:
Push Escape (usually labeled Esc) to leave.
Push F1 to call for Marty or if he's already around to send him away.
And if your hand is empty.
Push u or U to stand up.
Push p or P to pick up item under finger.
Push f or F to pick up and flip.
Push F9 to hide your hand if it is visible or show it if it is invisible. See also the controller for your hand's visibility.
And if you are holding anything except a text pad.
Note: The following (d, D, f, and F) are disabled for text pads, birds, nests, and robots unless the mouse is disabled. The reason the following keyboard commands don't work on some kinds of objects is you need to be able to type any text. You need to use the mouse buttons to flip text pads and to drop anything.
Push f or F to flip it over (if possible).
Push d or D to drop it.
Push F11 to drop what is in your hand ignoring what is underneath so it won't go into the hole of a box, get smashed by Bammer, or get added to a notebook. Only works in Beta 20 or version 1.3 or later.
And if you are holding a tool:
Push the space bar to turn the tool on. (The wand "turns itself off" after each use.) Push '.' to turn the tool off.
Push s or S to change Dusty so he'll suck up things and turn him on. (Suck is the default.)
Push e or E to change him so he'll erase things and turn him on. (Erase)
Push r or R to change him to spit things out and turn him on. (Restore or Reverse)
Push F2 to call for Dusty. He'll start running into your hand. Pushing F2 again will hurry him up.
Push b or B to change Pumpy to make things bigger and turn him on. (Bigger is the default.)
Push t or T to change him to make things taller and turn him on.
Push w or W to change him to make things wider and turn him on.
Push l or L to change him to make things little and turn him on.
Push n or N to change him to make things narrower and turn him on.
Push s or S to change him to make things shorter and turn him on.
Push g or G to change him to make things go to a "good" size.
Push F3 to call him to you and he'll jump into your hand. Pushing F3 again will hurry him up.
And if you are holding the Magic Wand:
Push o or O to make a copy of the original of the item under the tip of the wand.
Push c or C to make a copy of the item.
Push s or S to make a copy of the wand itself.
Push F5 to make the wand fly into your hand. Pushing F5 again will hurry it up.
And if you are holding a bomb:
Push any key to set off the bomb.
And if you are holding or pointing to a notebook:
Push - or Backspace to flip to previous page (last page if on first page).
Push + or space bar to flip to next page.
Type digits (0 to 9) to enter a page number.
Push F4 to make the your main notebook fly to you. Pushing F4 again will hurry it up.
Push F6 to get Tooly the Toolbox to run to you.
And if you are holding a number or pointing to a number:
Type digits (0 to 9) to enter a number.
Type Backspace to remove the last digit.
Type +, -, /, *, x, %, ^, & , | or = to enter an operation on numbers.
You can also type any syntactically correct number, numerical operation, or sequence of operations.
Use the left or right arrow keys to move the insertion point.
Type f or F to flip a number over. (Works only if you are holding the number.)
And if you are holding or pointing to a text pad:
Just type to add to the text.
You can use the four arrow keys to change the insertion point.
And if you are holding or pointing to a robot, bird, or nest:
Just type to add to the label (or t-shirt for birds).
Typing Backspace to remove the last letter.
And if you are holding or pointing to a picture or an animation clip:
Type + to switch to next cycle or color or element.
Type - or Backspace to go back.
Type f or F to flip it over.
Type the space bar to turn a picture on (if robots are on the back).
Type '.' to stop robots from running on the back.
And if you are holding or pointing to a sound (or force effect):
Type space to make the sound (or force effect).
Type '.' to stop making the sound (or force effect).
And if you are holding or pointing to a sensor:
Type '.' to freeze or suspend the operation of the sensor.
Type space to resume operation of the sensor.
And if you are holding or pointing to a truck:
Type '.' to turn it off so it won't drive off.
Type space to turn it back on.
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